asbschmidt / CUDASW4

CUDASW++4.0: Ultra-fast GPU-based Smith-Waterman Protein Sequence Database Search
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CUDASW++4.0: Ultra-fast GPU-based Smith-Waterman Protein Sequence Database Search

Software requirements

Hardware requirements


git clone


Our software has two components, makedb and align . makedb is used to construct a database which can be queried by align.

The build step compiles the GPU code for all GPU archictectures of GPUs detected in the system. The CUDA environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES can be used to control the detected GPUs. If CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set, it will default to all GPUs in the system.

Database construction

Use makedb to create a database from a fasta file. The file can be gzip'ed. We support fasta files with up to 2 billion sequences.

mkdir -p dbfolder
./makedb input.fa(.gz) dbfolder/dbname [options]


Querying the database

Use align to query the database. align has two mandatory arguments.

  1. --query The query file which contains all queries
  2. --db The path to the reference database constructed with makedb.

Run ./align --help to get a complete list of options.

By default, the results will be output to stdout in plain text. Results can be output to file instead (--of filename), and can be output as tab-separated values (--tsv). Example tsv output is given below.

Query number Query length Query header Result number Result score Reference length Reference header Reference ID in DB
0 144 gi|122087146 0 541 148 UniRef50_P02233 23128215
0 144 gi|122087146 1 444 144 UniRef50_P02238 22381647

Selecting GPUs

Similar to the build process, align will use all GPUs that are set with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, or all GPUs if CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set.

# use the gpus that are currently set in CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
./align --query queries.fa(.gz) --db dbfolder/dbname

# use gpus 0 and 1 for only this command
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 ./align --query queries.fa(.gz) --db dbfolder/dbname

Scoring options

    --top val : Output the val best scores. Default val = 10.
    --mat val : Set substitution matrix. Supported values: blosum45, blosum50, blosum62, blosum80. Default val = blosum62.
    --gop val : Gap open score. Overwrites blosum-dependent default score.
    --gex val : Gap extend score. Overwrites blosum-dependent default score.

The default gap scores are listed in the following table.

blosum45 blosum50 blosum62 blosum80
gap_open -13 -13 -11 -10
gap_extend -2 -2 -1 -1

Memory options

    --maxGpuMem val : Try not to use more than val bytes of gpu memory per gpu. This is not a hard limit. Can use suffix K,M,G. All available gpu memory by default.
    --maxTempBytes val : Size of temp storage in GPU memory. Can use suffix K,M,G. Default val = 4G
    --maxBatchBytes val : Process DB in batches of at most val bytes. Can use suffix K,M,G. Default val = 128M
    --maxBatchSequences val : Process DB in batches of at most val sequences. Default val = 10000000

Depending on the database size and available total GPU memory, the database is transferred to the GPU once for all queries, or it is processed in batches which requires a transfer for each query. Above options give some control over memory usage. For best performance, the complete database must fit into maxGpuMem times the number of used GPUs.

Other options

    --dpx : Use DPX instructions. Hardware support requires Hopper (sm_90) or newer. Older GPUs fall back to software emulation.
    --verbose : More console output. Shows timings.
    --printLengthPartitions : Print number of sequences per length partition in db.
    --interactive : Loads DB, then waits for sequence input by user
    --help : Print all options

Benchmark scripts

This repository includes some of our benchmark scripts. Benchmark results are written to files. Benchmark scripts use the file allqueries.fasta . Reference sequences will be downloaded.

Peak performance benchmark

Aligns file allqueries.fasta to a simulated database with equal sequences.

./ kerneltype

kerneltype 0: half2, kerneltype 1: dpx_s16, kerneltype 2: dpx_s32, kerneltype 3: float

uniprot sprot benchmark

Downloads (88 megabyte) to folder benchmarkdbs, then constructs the corresponding DB and queries file allqueries.fasta

./ kerneltype

kerneltype 0: half2, kerneltype 1: dpx

uniref50 benchmark

Downloads (12 gigabyte) to folder benchmarkdbs, then constructs the corresponding DB and queries file allqueries.fasta

./ kerneltype

kerneltype 0: half2, kerneltype 1: dpx

uniprot trembl benchmark

Downloads (57 gigabyte) to folder benchmarkdbs, then constructs the corresponding DB and queries file allqueries.fasta

./ kerneltype

kerneltype 0: half2, kerneltype 1: dpx


This work is presented in the following paper.

"CUDASW++4.0: Ultra-fast GPU-based Smith-Waterman Protein Sequence Database Search"

Bertil Schmidt, Felix Kallenborn, Alejandro Chacon, Christian Hundt

bioRxiv 2023.10.09.561526; doi: