asciidoctor / asciidoctor-intellij-plugin

AsciiDoc plugin for products on the IntelliJ platform (IDEA, RubyMine, etc)
Apache License 2.0
342 stars 145 forks source link
antora asciidoc asciidoctor hacktoberfest intellij-plugin

= IntelliJ AsciiDoc Plugin Alexander Schwartz :experimental: :homepage-url: :github:

image:{github}/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg?branch=main[Build Status (GitHub Workflow Build), link={github}/actions?query=workflow%3ABuild+branch%3Amain] image:[JetBrains Plugins,link=] image:[Downloads,link=]

A plugin for the IntelliJ platform (IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, etc.) that provides support for the[AsciiDoc] markup language. It also supports[Antora], the documentation CMS build with AsciiDoc.

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This plugin joined[Hacktoberfest]! Issues that can give you a good start are[have the label "Hacktoberfest"] and maintainers are willing to help. ////

To contribute as a developer, some issues are labeled with "link:[good first issue]". Maintainers are willing to help.

For more advanced topics, see tickets marked as "link:[help wanted]". Feel free to choose these or any other ticket to participate, or create pull requests without a prior ticket.

== Installation

You can install the plugin (named "AsciiDoc") from the plugins section inside your JetBrains IDE or download it from the[JetBrains Plugin Repository].

The most advanced and recommended preview modes (and default for new installations) are JavaFX and JCEF.

Refer to the link:{homepage-url}/docs/users-guide/installation.html[installation] for a detailed overview of the features.

== Features

Refer to the link:{homepage-url}/docs/users-guide/features.html[Features list] for a detailed overview of the features.

If you are missing features, please don't hesitate to let me know on Twitter:[@ahus1de] or create an issue in the GitHub issue tracker!

Refer to the link:CHANGELOG.adoc[CHANGELOG] for a list of changes in previous releases.

== Dependencies

This project uses AsciidoctorJ and JRuby for the rendering of the AsciiDoc content.

For the conversion of Markdown to AsciiDoc, we use Pegdown and the[Markdown to AsciiDoc] converter.

== Building, Contributing, Code of Conduct

Issues that can give you a good start are[have the label "good first issue"] and maintainers are willing to help. Feel free to choose these or any other ticket to contribute, or even create pull requests without a prior ticket.

Please have a look at the {homepage-url}/docs/contributors-guide/index.html["Contributor Guide"]. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the link:[Asciidoctor Community Code of Conduct].

== Copyright and Licensing

Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Julien Viet, Erik Pragt, Alexander Schwartz and the individual contributors. Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see link:LICENSE[LICENSE]).

== Credits

An early version of the plugin is based on the[Intellij Markdown plugin by Julien Nicoulaud]. Later versions took inspiration from the JetBrains Markdown plugin.

Also, great help was received from Erik Pragt, Harro Lissenberg, Alexander Schwartz and Dan Allen. Thank you all for your support!