asciidoctor / asciimath

Asciimath parser
MIT License
24 stars 16 forks source link


:uri-project: ifndef::env-site[:status:]

An[AsciiMath] parser and MathML/LaTeX generator written in pure Ruby.

ifdef::status[] [discrete]


image:{uri-project}/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link={uri-project}/actions?query=branch%3Amaster] image:[Gem Version, link=] endif::status[]


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:


gem 'asciimath'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install asciimath



First require the library.


require 'asciimath'

Then parse an AsciiMath string.


parsed_expression = AsciiMath.parse(asciimath)

The parsed expression is a set of nested Array and Hash objects.

This expression can then be converted to MathML, HTML (experimental) or LaTeX.


math_ml = parsed_expression.to_mathml html = parsed_expression.to_html latex = parsed_expression.to_latex

The MathML, HTML or LaTeX code is returned as a String.

Command line

The AsciiMath parser and converters can be invoked via the command line as follows:

.MathML Generation [source]

asciimath "an asciimath string"


asciimath mathml "an asciimath string"

.HTML Generation [source]

asciimath html "an asciimath string"

.LaTeX Generation [source]

asciimath latex "an asciimath string"

This command will print out the generated code on stdout.

Extentions and Customization

The parser can be extended by passing a custum tokenization table:

[source, ruby]

my_tokens_table = AsciiMath::Parser.add_default_parser_symbols(my_tokens_table) my_tokens_table.add('mysymbol', :mysymbol, :symbol)

AsciiMath::parse("a + mysymbol + b",

Furthermore, the behaviour of the tokenizer be customized by altering the value associated with a token in AsciiMath::Tokenizer::DEFAULT_PARSE_SYMBOL_TABLE:

[source, ruby]

my_tokens_table = AsciiMath::Parser.add_default_parser_symbols(my_tokens_table) my_tokens_table.add('alpha', :beta, :symbol)

Now "alpha + beta" is equivalent to "beta + beta"

AsciiMath::parse("alpha + beta",

The same behaviour applies to each individual render (MathMLBuilder, HTMLBuilder and LatexBuilder). By adding entries to a rendere's rendering table (or modifying exisisting entries), users can customize it's output:

[source, ruby]

my_rendering_table = AsciiMath::MarkupBuilder.add_default_display_symbols(my_rendering_table) my_rendering_table.add('alpha', '\u03b2', :identifier)

Now "alpha + beta" is equivalent to "beta + beta"

AsciiMath::parse("alpha + beta").to_mathml(

Notes on the HTML Output

The HTML output is still regarded somewhat experimental - for basic usage it is fine, but it is not yet complete. Known issues are as follows:

Rendering the HTML output correctly requires the inclusion of style/math.css in the html document. There is currently no specific required font for this output, it simply selects a serif font family - change the @font-family attribute in the .math-inline class to select something specific.

Notes on the LaTeX Output

All LaTeX commands and environments used in the output are coverved by[`amsmath] andamssymb`, with a few exceptions:

The \color command is supported by the[`xcolor] package, which is included in most LaTeX distributions. The\cancelcommand is supported by the[cancel] package, also included in most LaTeX distributions. The other commands are supported by the[stix`] package.


. Fork it ( . Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) . Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') . Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) . Create a new Pull Request