asciidoctor / brand

Brand assets and visual identity for the Asciidoctor project
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= Asciidoctor Brand & Visual Identity

This is the home of Asciidoctor's evolving brand and visual identity. This repository hosts the logo, logotype, and brand colors, as well as guidelines for how to use these assets.

== Logo

The logo files can be found in the logo folder in SVG format.

=== Variations

The logo is square. The logo comes in two variations:

The main logo is the fill variant. The outline logo is the alternate. Each logo has a color and grayscale version. Each logo also has a round edges (default) and square edges (alternate) version. The round edges version is preferred, but not required.

=== Export

To export the logos to PNG and produce a favicon, run the following script:

$ ./

You can find the generated PNG files in the [.path]gen/ folder.

The export script requires the following commands:

=== Usage

The logo may be used as is (without any color modifications) to represent the Asciidoctor project or the AsciiDoc file format. It may be scaled upwards to any size, but should not be scaled downwards below 16x16 pixels.

The outline logo can be used as an alternate when the fill variant does not fit well in the context in which it is used.

When creating a PNG from the SVG files for use as an avatar on social media sites, the recommended size is 1000x1000.

=== Colors

The colors used in the logo are as follows:

[cols="1,1,1,1,3"] |=== | Name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Usage

| carmine | #e40046 | 228, 0, 70 | 0, 100, 69, 11 a|

| charcoal | #191919 | 25, 25, 25 | 0, 0, 0, 90 a|

| white | #ffffff | 255, 255, 255 | 0, 0, 0, 0 a|