asger-weirsoee / rest-vaccine-tilmelder

tilmeld dig restvaccine i nordjylland
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Automatic subscription to leftover vaccinations in northen jutland

For each config in subs makes a subscription for leftover vaccinations.


The formatted JSON file that should be output,
looks like this:
    "name": "tekst dit fulde navn",
    "phone": "tekst dit telefonnr",
    "email": "tekst din email addresse",
    "num_on_list": "0 indekseret af listen over vaccinatiaons steder",
    "big_place": "aalborg",
    "age": "text din alder i tal"
    "name": "tekst dit fulde navn",
    "phone": "tekst dit telefonnr",
    "email": "tekst din email addresse",
    "num_on_list": "0 indekseret af listen over vaccinatiaons steder",
    "big_place": "aarhus",
    "age": "text din alder i tal",
    "date_of_birth": "text dd/mm/yyyy din f\u00f8dselsdato"

Then we headless emulate the clicks required to fill out the form for subscribing to leftover vaccinations.

And after this have completed, then sends a mail to the person, that we've successfully subscribed them for the leftover vaccinations


An SMTP server is required to send mail (durh), currently only gmail is supported.

In the config.json file, insert your gmail account mail, and generate a applications specific password here:


Besides the python pacakages listed in requirements.txt, the we also need xvfe to emulate a xorg server in a headless env. (essentially so that it can be ran on a server without X installed)


apt install xvfe


pacman -S xorg-server-xvfb


As this is a selfcontained script, all you have to do to run it. A good way of having this running every day is to use a CRON job, or equivalent.

a jobber job could look like

     cmd: /path/to/rest-vac/venv/bin/python /path/to/rest-vac/
     time: '0 0 8 * * *'
     onError: Backoff

A cron job could look like:

0 8 * * * /path/to/rest-vac/venv/bin/python /path/to/rest-vac/