ashanij123 / Week-2-Project

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Week 2 Assignment: Student Store

Submitted by: Ashani Jewell

Application Features



Walkthrough Video

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;">

NOTE: AS THE URL INDEX CHANGE WHEN NAVIGATING THROUGH THE SITE ex: http://localhost:3000/store/1 (for the Rice Krispies page)


For this week, the topics from the lab strongly correlated to this week's assignment. Starting from Monday, we were introduced to the backend(Express) which helped us better understand and build API's. When it came to Tuesday, we were provided with the skills to work on the frontend using React. To no surprise, on Wednesday we worked on being able to connect both parts so they can produce a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. One feature, which was not mandatory, that I felt unprepared to do was the sidebar, which I will discuss in the future questions.

If I had more time, I would focus on the sidebar feature and I felt like I was very close to implementing it. This might have been a feature that was made in one of the labs, and I might not have gotten that far. I would have also tried to implement the search bar feature that was similar to the one we did last week (Flixster), so I would have a way to connect both week's task into one.

When doing the project demo, I think my overall presentation went well as I was able to show a website that met all the requirements and had a color scheme of my liking. I did think by the time we did demos, I would have had the sidebar working so that was a little disappointing but nonetheless it wasn't anything to stress about. One thing I noticed my peers did was deploy the website which I look forward to doing in the coming weeks!

Open-source libraries used

Shout out

Give a shout out to somebody from your cohort that especially helped you during your project. This can be a fellow peer, instructor, TA, mentor, etc.

I would like to give a shoutout to Henry and Rodgrigo again as they served as amazing resources during working hours and outside of them. I would also like to shout out my working group from Thursday, Leonel and Maritza as they made me feel understood in my frustrations and made an amazing space to ask questions.