ashishkgoyal / learn-vue

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Ultimate Vue.js Developers Course

Source code for the Ultimate Vue.js Developers Course.

Project 1: Vue.js Poster Shop


See the completed project here:


  1. Ensure Node.js >=6.4, NPM and git are installed on your system
  2. Register Oauth 2 access to the Imgur API.

    Register for OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL. You can name your application anything you like and you don't need a callback URL. The important thing is that you get a client ID.


  1. Install this code on your local system

    1. Fork this repository (click 'Fork' button in top right corner)
    2. Clone the forked repository on your local file system

      cd /path/to/install/location
      git clone[your_username]/vuejs-poster-shop.git
  2. Change directory into the local clone of the repository

    cd vuejs-poster-shop
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Create a .env file by copying the sample

    cp .env_sample .env

    Or for Windows:

    copy .env_sample .env

    Now edit the .env file and replace the IMGUR_CLIENT_ID with the client ID provided in the pre-installation

  5. Start project

    npm run start
  6. Your site will be available at localhost:[PORT] where PORT is whatever value is set in your .env file.

Lecture branches

Note that branches in the repo named lecture/xxx correspond to course lectures.

It's not working!

Here are some common mistakes people make, check these before filing an issue:

node -v


Vue School

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