ashok-khanna / autologger

A simple logging tool for Common Lisp
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Autologger - Simple, Automatic (?) Logging for Common Lisp

Autologger is a simple (and hopefully convenient) logging tool for Common Lisp, built on the back of Image Based Common Lisp (IBCL) by Pascal J. Bourguignon, a very useful tool for tracking the source code of any functions you define, among other things.

The purpose of Autologger is to enable logging without polluting your codebase and allow for convenient, keyboard-based navigation of logging across nested function calls.

Part 1: Usage

Autologger works off transforming your functions (not macros) to a version that logs both the incoming arguments and the outgoing results to a global list, which is then displayed by Emacs. You can turn logging on for a function with LOG and turn logging off with UNLOG:

;; You must be working within IBCL and not CL (refer installation notes below)

IBCL > (defun sum (a b) (+ a b))

;; 'LOG' is the package nickname for Autologger. Turn on logging with the function 'LOG':

IBCL > (log:log 'sum)

;; Turn off logging with 'UNLOG':

IBCL > (log:unlog 'sum)

You can view logging results for a logged function with LAUNCH. This will bring up an Emacs buffer with the log results and ability to navigate up/down/next/previous across logged functions.

IBCL > (log:launch (sum 1 2)

The best part of Autologger is that it will recursively step through a function call and log the arguments/results of all functions logged. The difference to CL:STEP is that you can move backwards and upwards as well as we are not stepping through the function call, but rather stepping through a log of the logged function calls within it. Furthermore, you have granular control over which functions to log. The below full example partly illustrates this.

Working Example (After Installation)

(in-package :ibcl)

(defun sum (a b) (+ a b))
(defun prd (a b) (* a b))
(defun div (a b) (/ a b))

(defun complex-fn (a b)
  (if (equal a 0)
      (sum a (sum b (sum a b)))
      (div (prd b (sum a b)) a)))

(log:log 'sum)
(log:log 'prd)
(log:log 'div)
(log:log 'complex-fn)

(log:launch (complex-fn 1 2))


Exported Functions

Function Description
(launch expr) Evaluates the supplied form and launches an Emac buffer with the logging results
(log &rest symbols) Turns on logging for the supplied function(s) (accepts a &rest argument)
(log-all-within &rest symbols) Turns on logging for all user-defined functions within the supplied function(s) (accepts a &rest argument)
(unlog &rest symbols) Turns off logging for the supplied function(s) (accepts a &rest argument)
(unlog-all) Remove logging from all functions
(select-logs symbol) Opens an Emacs Buffer to control logging for each function within SYMBOL
(all-logs) Opens an Emacs Buffer listing all logged functions to control logging for each

Limitations & Future Developments

Autologger is in experimental and proof of concept state so there may (likely) be some unintended consequences and bugs. Feel free to fork the project or submit issues for any bugs/improvements. Note that Autologger currently works for functions that do not have any &optional, &key and &rest lambda list keywords. It does not work for macros as well. My todo includes these features and also to improve and document the Elisp code (its more Italian than spaghetti at the moment). I also want to add some unit tests and make the overall program more reliable / intuitive.

Part 2: Installation

Autologger consists of two modules, cl-autologger.lisp and autologger.asd for Common Lisp and el-autologger.el for Emacs/Elisp. It is also built upon IBCL. You can download IBCL with the following:

(ql:quickload :com.informatimago.common-lisp.lisp.ibcl)

Installing Emacs Components

To install the Emacs files, download el-autologger.el to a directory of your choice and add the following to your .emacs and evaluate both forms. The first is required as we will manipulate Emacs from Autologger.

(setq slime-enable-evaluate-in-emacs t)
(load "path-to-where-you-saved-autologger/el-autologger.el")

Installing Common Lisp Components

There are two ways to install the Common Lisp files. You can save down both autologger.asd and cl-autologger.lisp within a folder that ASDF can scan (for those not familiar with ASDF, you can read my 5 minute guide on it). Then you simply need to run

(asdf:load-system "autologger")

Alternatively, you can do the following (note that in this approach you need to manually load IBCL via Quicklisp each time you use Autologger):

(ql:quickload :com.informatimago.common-lisp.lisp.ibcl)
(load "path-to-where-you-saved-autologger/cl-autologger.lisp")

Final Setup Steps

You will need to switch from the CL package and into IBCL in your programs to be able to make use of Autologger. If you are working in REPL, you can simply do (in-package :ibcl). If you are working in files, switch the dependency from CL to IBCL, such as in the following.

(defpackage :my-package
  (:use :ibcl)           ; <-- Use :IBCL here and not :CL
  (:export ...))

If you want to add AUTOLOGGER as a use-package within your package definitions, you will need to also add the following :shadowing-import-form command to avoid conflicts with CL or IBCL:

(defpackage :package-name
  (:use :ibcl   :autologger)
  (:shadowing-import-from :autologger :log))