ashokkrish / CougarStats

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Warning: Error in show: unused argument (id = "outputPanel") #39

Closed bryce-carson closed 16 hours ago

bryce-carson commented 17 hours ago

@ashokkrish, due to the base R function methods::show being preferred over shinyjs::show in some cases the following warning will be displayed. I don't know exactly why this function is shadowing a function which should be loaded later, but it's related to the load-order of packages in Global, and other files [because multiple files load packages, which isn't a best practice]. I could spend time debugging why it is happening, but I just side-stepped the issue by specifying the function exactly.

Warning: Error in show: unused argument (id = "outputPanel")
  1: runApp
Warning: Error in show: unused argument (id = "descriptiveStatsMP")
  1: runApp

This modifies a couple lines in descStats.R, but it doesn't appear you've been working on that in six months so there shouldn't be any merge conflicts for me to teach you how to deal with them.

bryce-carson commented 17 hours ago
Warning: Error in show: unused argument (id = "inferenceData")
  1: runApp
Warning: Error in show: unused argument (id = "inferenceMP")
  1: runApp

This error was witnessed when pressing [Calculate] in the Statistical Inference methodology for one sample. @ashokkrish, are you seeing these warnings when you try to get a boxplot? For me the application crashes, I don't see the same in-app warning (red text about function "GetOutliers" you quoted in document on Google).

bryce-carson commented 17 hours ago

@ashokkrish, this issue is cropping up all over the application. I will investigate the issue and include a new package---conflicts---to analyze and report package conflicts at startup to resolve this issue permanently and prevent it from coming up again.

You'll need to pay attention to warnings when the application starts, especially if you include a new package or change the load order of packages in some way.