ashokkrish / CougarStats

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CougarStats: An R Shiny App for Statistical Data Analysis



CougarStats is an open-source platform-independent browser-based interface for statistical data analysis.

You can use the app on our website:

or using our backup on server by clicking

Alternatively you can send a pull request to download all the files in this repository and run the app by loading global.R, ui.R, and server.R and clicking Run App. Note that the CougarStats project is not on CRAN, just on github.

CougarStats has also been Dockerized. You can pull the Docker image here by running:

docker pull mmyer/cougarstats:latest

then start the container:

docker run -dp mmyer/cougarstats

and navigate to using a browser of your choice to access a copy of CougarStats running locally on your machine.

More information on Docker can be found here.

Key features

Who is CougarStats for?

Shiny app authors

Acknowledgement: In Fall 2022 an earlier version of this interactive R Shiny app was presented as Crystal Wai's COMP 5690: Senior Computer Science Project. From June - August 2023 this project was funded by a student research grant (awarded to Michael Myer) conferred by the Faculty of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University. Starting September 2023 this project is funded by a Provost's Teaching-Learning Enhancement Grant (TLEG). Michael Myer is currently hired as a Project Assistant through this grant.