Modern Android App (2023 Version)
Android Arch
- Gradle modularised project by features
- The Clean Architecture with MVVM pattern in presentation layer
- Jetpack Compose (maps) / Material 3 design 100% Previews — for UI layer
- Kotlin Coroutines & Kotlin Flow — for concurrency & reactive approach
- Kotlin Serialization converter — for JSON parsing
- Hilt — for Dependency Injection pattern implementation
- Room — for local database
- Coil — for image loading
- Version Catalog — for dependency management
- JUnit5, Turbine and MockK — for unit tests
- Jetpack Compose test dependencies and Hilt — for UI tests
- GitHub Actions — for CI/CD
- Renovate — to update dependencies automatically
- KtLint and Detekt — for code linting
- API keys stored in app’s BuildConfig
- Real time updates as the map moves / categories change.
- Do not need to give location permission to use the app.
- keeps list of global favorites
- Save state though restarts
- Open source
Please watch the video and if that is interesting look at the article.
Look at the article and if that is interesting look at the code.
Look at the code and if that is interesting we should talk about how it was built.
Please see free Medium article for full description
Play Store:
Coming soon