asjoyner / shade

SHA Drive Engine stores files in the cloud, in a flexible fashion, optionally encrypted.
Apache License 2.0
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shade (the SHA Drive Engine) stores files locally and/or in the cloud, in a flexible fashion, optionally encrypted.

The primary interface is a FUSE filesystem for interacting with shade. There is a command line tool "throw" which can cheaply add new files to shade. It can be configured such that it can add too the respository, but cannot read the encrypted contents. There is also a command line debugging tool, shadeutil, for investigating and tinkering with the repository.

The basic method of file storage

  1. Represent the file as a series of chunks, of a configurable size (16MB by default).
  2. Calculate a SHA-256 hash for each chunk.
  3. Store the chunk in the configured Drive client
  4. Create a manifest file (a shade.File struct) with:
    • Filename
    • Chunk size
    • Indexed list of chunks
  5. Calculate a SHA-256 hash of the manifest.
  6. Store the shade.File in 1 or more Drive implemgntations (just like Chunk, but retrievable separately).

Retrieving a file works much the same, just in reverse:

  1. Download all of the manifest files.
  2. Find the filename with the latest ModifiedTime which matches the request.
  3. If necessary, decrypt the chunk(s).

shade/drive Drive interface

The Drive interface provides a way to store and retrieve two separate buckets of bytes, called Files and Chunks, each identified by their sha256sum. It also provides a way to list the sha256sum of all known Files. There is also an interface for iteratively listing the sums all the Chunks (potentially a much larger amount of data).

The interface also provides a bit of metadata about the implementation, such as a name for identifying it, if it stores files persistently and/or remotely, and a way to retrieve the configuration that intialized the implementation.

drive.Drive implementations

There are several implementations of drive.Drive clients. Some are only for testing (eg. drive/win, drive/fail), some are for local caching (drive/memory, drive/local), and some are for remote/cloud storage (drive/amazon, drive/google). There are a few special implementations which allow you to combine (drive/cache) or augment (drive/encrypt) the other implementations.

These implementations can be combined in novel ways by the config package. Trust your local machine? You can create a config which will encrypt only the bytes the leave your machine and go to a remote provider. Want to always encrypt bytes at rest? You can build a config which will encrypt even the local disk storage, but still cache all File objects unencrypted in memory for more efficient reads.

Encryption overview

The drive/encrypt module will encrypt writes to its child client. It will AES-256 encrypt the chunked contents of the files, the File objects that describe the metadata, and even the sha256sums of the chunks. It then RSA encrypts the AES-256 key and stores the encrypted key with the File object.

RSA public and private keypairs are provided via the config package. It is supported to provide only a public RSA key pair. This is useful with cmd/throw/throw.go, which is a "write only" tool which cannot read back any of the data once it is writen.

For additional details on the implementation, see the godoc for the drive/encrypt module.

NB: Encrypting the contents stored in Drive comes with two penalties:

  1. Modest CPU usage to encrypt/decrypt on the way in/out.
  2. The chunks of identical files will not be deduplicated.


When files are modified or overwritten (functionally the same), the previous File manifest, and some (or all) of the Chunks of the previous File may be orphaned. The umbrella package contains code for cleaning up these orphaned files and chunks. You can invoke single passes of it with shadeutil. A tool to do periodic cleanup is planned.