ask-be / ASK.LiveCompose

LiveCompose is a powerful and user-friendly API that streamlines the management of Docker Compose services. Designed for continuous integration workflows, LiveCompose allows you to easily update services, modify environment variables, and access real-time logs
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LiveCompose is a lightweight API that allows you to update your Docker Compose services via webhooks. It simplifies the deployment process by enabling you to pull updates and run your services with minimal effort, making it ideal for continuous integration workflows.


[!WARNING] All API calls must be made over HTTPS to ensure security. It is essential to set up a reverse proxy (such as Nginx or Traefik) for SSL termination before deploying LiveCompose. Additionally, implement IP restrictions in your reverse proxy configuration to control access to the API and enhance security. Direct HTTP calls should be avoided to protect sensitive data.

Project Auth-Tokens and Authentication

At startup each project is assigned an Auth-Token built using the ASK_LiveCompose__Key environment variable (see below). All the projects Auth-Tokens are displayed in console at application startup.

| Project Name             | Project Auth Token               |
| baseline                 | 12345678901234567890123456789011 |
| bevault                  | azertyuiopqsdfghjklmmmwxcvbnazzz |
| bookstack                | bz1234uiopqsdfghjklmm2345332azzz |
| cloudbeaver              | 9dab7bb5f4af64ae8f095f112342a844 |

The Auth-Token of the project must be sent as using the X-Auth-token HTTP Header. If there is a need to generate new Auth-Tokens, simply update the ASK_LiveCompose__Key environment variable and restart the application.

API Endpoints

Update Services

To update all services or a specific service, use the following endpoints:

[!NOTE] It's also possible to update the environment variables in the .env file. Simply pass the variable name to update prefixed with "ENV_" in the query string parameters. Example : POST{project_name}/up?ENV_VAR1=value1&ENV_VAR2=value2

Get Service Logs

To retrieve logs for a specific service, use:


To retrieve all service logs, use:


The following query string parameters can be specified while requesting logs

Get Docker Compose Status

To get the output of docker-compose ps for a project, simply use:



You can deploy LiveCompose using the Docker image askbe/livecompose. Here’s how to run it using a Docker command:

Important Reverse Proxy Configuration

When deploying a reverse proxy, ensure you configure it to allow traffic only from specific IP addresses that require access to the LiveCompose API. This adds an additional layer of security.

Using Docker Command

Run the following command to start the LiveCompose service:

docker run -d \
  --name livecompose \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -e ASK_LiveCompose__BasePath=/projects \
  -e ASK_LiveCompose__Key=1234567890abcdefgh \  # Change this for production
  -v /opt/compose-projects:/projects \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -p 9000:8080 \

Using Docker Compose (Optional)

If you prefer to use Docker Compose, here’s a sample docker-compose.yml file:

    image: askbe/livecompose:0.0.3
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ASK_LiveCompose__BasePath=/projects
      - ASK_LiveCompose__Key=1234567890abcdefgh  # Change this for production
      - /opt/compose-projects:/projects
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - 9000:8080

To start the service using Docker Compose, run:

docker-compose up -d

This will achieve the same result as the direct Docker command.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is enabled on the api by default and can be customized using the following environment variables (default limit is 5req/sec):

Example Usage

Here’s how you can use curl to update your services, retrieve logs, and check status.

  1. Docker compose up a project while updating environment variables:
curl -X POST \
     -H X-Auth-Token:701b0bbeb927cbeb41435c1b5dc39d57\
  1. Docker compose down a project:
curl -X POST \
     -H X-Auth-Token:701b0bbeb927cbeb41435c1b5dc39d57\
  1. Pull a specific Service of a project:
curl -X POST \
     -H X-Auth-Token:234b034b927cbeb41435c1b5dc39345\
  1. Pull a complete project:
curl -X POST \
     -H X-Auth-Token:234b034b927cbeb41435c1b5dc39345\
  1. View Logs for a Specific Service:
curl -H X-Auth-Token:234b034b927cbeb41435c1b5dc39345\
  1. View Logs for project since 15 seconds and stop after 10 seconds:
curl --max-time 10 \
     -H X-Auth-Token:234b034b927cbeb41435c1b5dc39345\
  1. Check Docker Compose Status:
curl -H X-Auth-Token:234b034b927cbeb41435c1b5dc39345 ""

Usage with Gitlab-ci

Sample job to deploy in staging environment

Two variables are defined at CI level

  stage: deploy
  image: curlimages/curl:latest
  rules: # only run if a tag is created
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
  when: manual # Deployment is manual (remove this line to make it automatic)
  environment: # see for more information about environments
    name: test
    # Pull new version and update VERSION environment variable in the .env file
    - curl -X POST -H X-Auth-Token:${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_KEY} "${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}/projects/project_name/pull?ENV_VERSION=${CI_COMMIT_TAG}"
    # Restart the containers
    - curl -X POST -H X-Auth-Token:${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_KEY} "${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}/projects/project_nameuel/up"
    # Display 10 seconds of logs of service app to ensure application startup is fine 
    # Remarks : the "|| true" at the end ensure the jobs ends successfully even if the connection time out after 10 seconds
    - curl --max-time 10 -H X-Auth-Token:${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_KEY} "${TEST_DEPLOYMENT_SERVER}/projects/project_name/services/app/logs?since=5s" || true


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0-or-later License or later. See the LICENSES folder for details.