askfiy / visual_studio_code

A `neovim` theme that highly restores `vscode`, so that your friends will no longer be surprised that you use `neovim`, because they will think you are using `vscode` ..
Mozilla Public License 2.0
169 stars 11 forks source link

Doesn't work..xd #6

Closed nearest-river closed 6 months ago

nearest-river commented 6 months ago

This seems not to work.. looks like this ugly crap

![Uploading 2024-02-27_06-10.png…]()

this is my init.lua btw

require "core"

local custom_init_path = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("lua/custom/init.lua", false)[1]

if custom_init_path then


local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"

-- bootstrap lazy.nvim!
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

dofile(vim.g.base46_cache .. "defaults")
require "plugins"

--- theme
vim.opt.termguicolors = true

  -- `dark` or `light`
  mode = "dark",
  -- Whether to load all color schemes
  preset = true,
  -- Whether to enable background transparency
  transparent = false,
  -- Whether to apply the adapted plugin
  expands = {
      hop = true,
      dbui = true,
      lazy = true,
      aerial = true,
      null_ls = true,
      nvim_cmp = true,
      gitsigns = true,
      which_key = true,
      nvim_tree = true,
      lspconfig = true,
      telescope = true,
      bufferline = true,
      nvim_navic = true,
      nvim_notify = true,
      vim_illuminate = true,
      nvim_treesitter = true,
      nvim_ts_rainbow = true,
      nvim_scrollview = true,
      nvim_ts_rainbow2 = true,
      indent_blankline = true,
      vim_visual_multi = true,
  hooks = {
      before = function(conf, colors, utils) end,
      after = function(conf, colors, utils) end,

require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.set("Normal", { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"})

require("visual_studio_code.utils")"NormalFloat", "Normal")

require("visual_studio_code.utils").hl.get("Normal", "fg")   -- #000000

    Normal = { fg = "#000000", bg = "#1E1E2E"},
    NormalFloat = { link = "Normal" },
    Cursor = { bg = "#0FE1EE", bold = true }

  options = {
      themable = true,
      close_icon = "",
      custom_areas = {
          right = require("visual_studio_code").get_bufferline_right(),
askfiy commented 6 months ago

Perhaps we can provide a minimal working example that is reproducible?

nearest-river commented 6 months ago

Perhaps we can provide a minimal working example that is reproducible?

I don't get it... I'm totally new to neeovim and lua