askhatri / livycluster

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Apache Livy Deployed on Kubernetes using Docker Desktop

This guide provides a Helm chart to deploy Livy on Kubernetes without relying on cloud services like AWS, GCP, or Azure. This setup can save development time and cost, and it allows debugging using an IDE. For debugging Livy on Kubernetes as a standalone setup, Apache Spark and Apache Livy must be deployed in Kubernetes.

Docker Desktop Installation

  1. Install Docker Desktop.
  2. Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop settings.

Helm Installation

  1. Install Helm.

  2. Add the required Helm chart repositories:

    helm repo add cert-manager              
    helm repo add ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
  3. Add an entry to the /etc/hosts file:
  4. Install the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources:

    kubectl apply -f


Livy Cluster Deployment

  1. Build the Helm chart using the following command:

    helm dependency build
  2. Create a Kubernetes namespace for the Livy deployment:

    kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>
  3. Install the Livy cluster using the Helm chart:

    helm -n <namespace-name> install livycluster .

Livy REST API Testing

  1. Create an interactive session:

    curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"kind": "spark"}' | jq

    Note: You need curl and jq utilities installed on your local machine for testing.

  2. Create a statement:

    curl -k -X POST -d '{ "kind": "spark", "code": "sc.parallelize(1 to 10).count()" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ | jq
  3. Create a batch job:

    curl -s -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -X POST \
        -d '{
            "name": "testbatch1",
            "className": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
            "numExecutors": 2,
            "file": "local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-3.2.3.jar",
            "args": ["10000"]
        }' "" | jq

Steps to Create Docker Images

Steps to create Docker images for Spark and Livy are documented at