asottile / setup-cfg-fmt

apply a consistent format to `setup.cfg` files
MIT License
152 stars 20 forks source link
packaging setuptools

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apply a consistent format to setup.cfg files


pip install setup-cfg-fmt

as a pre-commit hook

See pre-commit for instructions

Sample .pre-commit-config.yaml:

-   repo:
    rev: v2.5.0
    -   id: setup-cfg-fmt


Consult the help for the latest usage:

$ setup-cfg-fmt --help

what does it do?

sets a consistent ordering for attributes

For example, name and version (the most important metadata) will always appear at the top.

-version = 1.14.4
-name = pre_commit
+name = pre_commit
+version = 1.14.4

normalizes dashes to underscores in project name

$ # with dashed name
$ python sdist && pip wheel -w dist .
$ ls dist/ | cat
$ # with underscore name
$ python sdist && pip wheel -w dist .
$ ls dist/ | cat

This makes it easier to upload packages to pypi since they end up with the same filename prefix.

-name = pre-commit
+name = pre_commit

normalizes dashes to underscores in keys

setuptools allows dashed names but does not document them.

 name = pre-commit
-long-description = file:
+long_description = file:

adds long_description if README is present

This will show up on the pypi project page

 name = pre_commit
 version = 1.14.5
+long_description = file:
+long_description_content_type = text/markdown

adds license_file / license / license classifier if LICENSE exists

 name = pre_commit
 version = 1.14.5
+license = MIT
+license_file = LICENSE
+classifiers =
+    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License

set python_requires

A few sources are searched for guessing python_requires:

adds python version classifiers

classifiers are generated based on:

 name = pkg
 version = 1.0
+classifiers =
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11

without --include-version-classifiers only the major version will be included:

 name = pkg
 version = 1.0
+classifiers =
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3

sorts classifiers

 name = pre_commit
 version = 1.14.5
 classifiers =
-    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
     Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6

removes empty options in any section

-dependency_links =
 python_requires = >= 3.6.1

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