aspose-imaging / Aspose.Imaging-for-.NET

Aspose.Imaging for .NET examples, plugins and showcase projects
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.NET API for Image Processing

Aspose.Imaging for .NET is a library offering advanced image processing features. Developers can create, edit or convert images in their own application. Also Aspose. Imaging library supports drawing and work with graphic primitives. Image export and conversion (including uniform multi-page image processing) is the one of API core features along with image transformations (resize, crop, flip&rotate, binarization, grayscale, adjust), advanced image manipulation features (filtering, dithering, masking, deskewing) and memory optimization strategies.

Directory Description
Demos Source code for the live demos hosted at
Examples A collection of .NET examples that help you learn the product features.
Plugins Plugins related to Aspose.Imaging for .NET product.

Imaging Features

Load & Save Image Formats

Raster Formats: JPEG2000, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, DICOM, TGA, ICO\ Metafiles: EMF, WMF\ Compressed metafiles: EMZ, WMZ\ Other: WebP, Svg, Svgz (compressed Svg), DXF\ Animation: Apng

Save Images As

Fixed-layout: PDF\ Photoshop: PSD\ Web: Html5 Canvas

Load Images

Various: DjVu, DNG, ODG, EPS(raster preview only), CMX, CDR, DIB, OTG, FODG

Platform Independence

Aspose.Imaging for .NET can be used to develop applications on Windows Desktop (x86, x64), Windows Server (x86, x64), Windows Azure, as well as Linux x64. The supported platforms include .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.

Get Started with Aspose.Imaging for .NET

Are you ready to give Aspose.Imaging for .NET a try? Simply execute Install-Package Aspose.Imaging from Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to fetch the NuGet package. If you already have Aspose.Imaging for .NET and want to upgrade the version, please execute Update-Package Aspose.Imaging to get the latest version.

Resize a JPG Image

using (Image image = Image.Load(dir + "template.jpg"))
    image.Resize(300, 300);
    image.Save(dir + "output.jpg");

Create & Manipulate PNG via API

// image width and height
int width = 500;
int height = 300;

// where created image to store
string path = @"createdImage.png";
// create options
PngOptions options = new PngOptions() { Source = new FileCreateSource(path, false) };
using (PngImage image = (PngImage)Image.Create(options, width, height))
     // create and initialize an instance of Graphics class 
     // and Clear Graphics surface
     Graphics graphic = new Graphics(image);
     // draw line on image
     graphic.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue), 9, 9, 90, 90);        

     // resize image
     int newWidth = 400;
     image.ResizeWidthProportionally(newWidth, ResizeType.LanczosResample);  

     // crop the image to specified area
    Aspose.Imaging.Rectangle area = new Aspose.Imaging.Rectangle(10,10,200,200);    


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