asr / apia

Haskell program for proving first-order theorems written in Agda using automatic theorem provers for first-order logic
MIT License
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Apia is a Haskell program for proving first-order theorems written in Agda using automatic theorem provers for first-order logic (ATPs). Before calling the ATPs, the Agda formulae are translated into TPTP language.

Apia is used for reasoning about functional programs by combining interactive and automatic proofs (see



  1. Extended version of Agda (see

  2. The Apia program

    You can download the Apia program using Git. The program can be downloaded and installed with the following commands:

    $ git clone
    $ cd apia
    $ cabal install

    In order to test the installation of Apia, you can try to automatically prove the conjecture in

    module Test where
    data _∨_ (A B : Set) : Set where
      inj₁ : A → A ∨ B
      inj₂ : B → A ∨ B
      A B    : Set
      ∨-comm : A ∨ B → B ∨ A
    {-# ATP prove ∨-comm #-}

    using the E ATP by running the following commands:

    $ agda Test.agda
    $ apia --atp=e Test.agda
    Proving the conjecture in /tmp/Test/9-8744-comm.tptp ...
    E 2.1 Maharani Hills proved the conjecture

    Apia will call the E ATP and tell if this ATP was able to prove the conjecture. If the ATP could not prove the conjecture after the default timeout, the process of proving that particular conjecture is aborted.

Using online ATPs

After installing the online-atps tool from this repository, it is possible to use any ATP available on SystemOnTPTP.

For example, we could use an online version of the E ATP using the following commands:

$ apia --atp=online-e Test.agda
Proving the conjecture in /tmp/Test/9-8744-comm.tptp ...
E-2.0 proved the conjecture

To see a list of all online ATPs available, run the following command:

$ online-atps --list-atps

YAML Configuration

We can run Apia using options set in YAML files with name .apia. The options break down into project-specific options in:

and non-project-specific options in:

Note: When Apia is invoked outside a project it will source project specific options from ~/.apia. Options in this file will be ignored for a project with its own <project dir>/.apia.

Project-specific config

Project-specific options are only valid in the .apia file local to a project, not in the user config files.

Note: We define project to mean a directory that contains an .apia file, which specifies valid options. The options are specified in the help command. Check apia --help to see all options available.

In your project-specific options, you specify which options to use when running Apia.


We want to use the ATPs E, Metis and the online version of Vampire with Apia. Also, we want to save the results in the directory /myoutputdir and use the option check. Then, our Apia file should be similar to this one.

# cat ~/.apia
atp: ["e", "metis", "online-vampire"]
output-dir: "/myoutputdir"
check: true

Known limitations