asrayousuf / ScrabbleWordRecommender

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Scrabble Word Recommender

Recommend a list of words in the order of maximum score based on the players' tiles with/without board constraints.

Base Engine

This module creates the data structure from the dictionary, pre-compute scores for each word, implements method to find list of possible words and handles user interactions.

  1. Aravind. A. R - Create the data structure from the dictionary words and method to compare the input rack
  2. Aravind Srivatsan - Create method to calcuate scores for each of the dictionary words
  3. Asra Yousuf - Input formatting and interactions with players

Handling Blank Input Tiles

This module handles the blank input tiles and computes the score for the blank tiles to be subtracted.

  1. Mohanish Golatkar - Create the bsae structure of Blank Handling class and the sortRack() funtion
  2. Neel Paratkar - Write the method which calculates the score when blank tile is present in the rack
  3. Sri Harish - Create the Blank Handling functions that checks if blanks present,get count and remove blanks

Handling Input Constraints from Board

This module handles the constraints from the board such as letter positioning and maximum length of the word.

  1. Jayasruthi - Convert the constraint to a regex for letter positioning and/or word length
  2. Shravan Venkataraman - Match output with the constraint pattern
  3. Ekansh Mittal - Generate new rack for board constraints