Wrapper on top of amqp to provide proper configuration and error handling
// Setup logger
l := log.New(log.Writer(), log.Prefix(), log.Flags())
// Create worker
w := astikit.NewWorker(astikit.WorkerOptions{Logger: l})
// Create amqp
a := astiamqp.New(c, l)
defer a.Close()
// You can create producers before and after starting amqp
p, _ := a.NewProducer(astiamqp.ConfigurationProducer{
Exchange: astiamqp.ConfigurationExchange{
Durable: true,
Name: "my-exchange",
Type: astiamqp.ExchangeTypeTopic,
// You can add consumers before and after starting amqp
AutoAck: false,
Exchange: astiamqp.ConfigurationExchange{
Durable: true,
Name: "my-exchange",
Type: astiamqp.ExchangeTypeTopic,
Handler: myHandler,
Queue: astiamqp.ConfigurationQueue{
Durable: true,
Name: "my-queue",
RoutingKey: "my.routing.key",
// You can publish messages before and after starting amqp.
// If you publish a message before starting amqp, it will be buffered and will be sent once
// it's connected to the channel
p.Publish("my payload", "my.routing.key")
// Start amqp
// Stop amqp