astro-datalab / notebooks-latest

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Photometric reverberation mapping contribution #157

Closed cefeida42 closed 1 year ago

cefeida42 commented 1 year ago


this is a contribution PhotometricReverberationMappingAGN (notebook and its auxiliary files). It is a tutorial for performing photometric reverberation mapping. The notebook shows how to download or generate light curve data and it introduces the tools and steps needed for this type of analysis.

Some info regarding the contribution:

jacquesalice commented 1 year ago

Hi @cefeida42 , this looks awesome! A few minor comments:

  1. In the description under Part I number 1, add a link to the AnatresVariableRCBStars notebook (
  2. Misspelled "successful" and "corresponds" in the following sentence under the first ANTARES API elastic search cell: "We had only one succesfull hit out of five and it coresponds to 'SDSS J081109.38+172928.9' from our catalog."
  3. In the cell that plots the Light curve of Locus_id=ANT2020pn2g4, I suggest you break up the long lines of plt.ylim and plt.scatter like this:
    plt.scatter(lc_data['ant_mjd'][lc_data['ztf_fid']==2], lc_data['ztf_magpsf'][lc_data['ztf_fid']==2],
            c='red', alpha=0.5, label=r'$r$ band')
    plt.scatter(lc_data['ant_mjd'][lc_data['ztf_fid']==1], lc_data['ztf_magpsf'][lc_data['ztf_fid']==1],
            c='green', alpha=0.5, label=r'$g$ band')
  4. Sometimes you use "catalog" and other times you use "catalogue", use one form throughout the notebook for consistency.
  5. Misspelled "respectively" in the following sentence at the end of number 2: "This is significant improvement compared to ANTARES light curves, where we had only 20 and 34 points in the g and r bands, rescpectively."
  6. I get the following error when trying to run the second cell under the "Step 2 & 3: Calculate ACF and CCF using pyZDCF" section: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './results/acf.dcf' since I do not have an output directory called './results'. Can you add an empty folder called 'results' to the PhotoReverberationMappingAGN directory?
  7. Add units to the axes in the plot "CCF and ACF using pyZDCF"
  8. Under the section "Step 5: Estimate the time lag", add a link to the Laursen et al. 2019 paper.


cefeida42 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jacquesalice!

Thank you for your detailed and prompt review! I made all of the suggested corrections. Additionally, I included all the files that the notebook generates when running from beginning to end in full, to mitigate potential errors. The folder structure should be good now. Let me know if you have more suggestions.

jacquesalice commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I'm sure @rnikutta will also want to take a look through the notebook before we merge it to production.

rnikutta commented 1 year ago

Really a great NB @cefeida42 , many thanks for contributing it to DL! I'm sending my comments in an email in a second. Please simply push another commit with the changes to amend this PR, and we'll merge it from here.

cefeida42 commented 1 year ago

@rnikutta, thank you so much for the detailed review, I addressed all of your comments. Let me know if there is anything else I need to change or add. Happy to contribute to the fantastic Astro Data Lab :)