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Welcome to the Astro Data Lab Jupyter Notebook repository
web: https://datalab.noirlab.edu
github: https://github.com/astro-datalab
Version of this file: 20230728
This file contains information on:
You can follow the order below if you are just getting started.
All notebooks are developed for Python 3. Furthermore, an HTML version of the notebooks is included in order to show them fully rendered.
The notebooks in "01_GettingStartedWithDatalab/" provide a 101 intro to Python, Jupyter and SQL, and show, for Data Lab, some basic steps such as loading modules, authenticating, making a list of available datasets, an example query, and an example image cutout. It also shows how to obtain the statistics of catalog tables in order to determine approximate row and column counts.
The notebook in "02_DataAccessOverview/" provides users with examples of typical functions and commands to explore and use some of the main datasets hosted by Astro Data Lab. It is a reference for scientific applications, though not as detailed as the specific science examples given below (item 03).
The "03_ScienceExamples/" folder contains notebooks that showcase scientific applications using the datasets hosted at Data Lab. Each science application contains at least one notebook, and each survey/dataset is featured in at least one notebook. In some instances, the same science case is featured with two or more surveys.
DESI: introduction to the DESI EDR dataset at Data Lab and a comparison between SDSS and DESI spectra.
DwarfGalaxies: discover dwarf galaxies as stellar overdensities in the DELVE DR1 and DR2, DES DR1, NSC DR1 and DR2, and SMASH datasets.
EmLineGalaxies: two notebooks highlight how to obtain and stack spectra using the Data Lab spectro service, and how to detect outliers in the BPT diagnostic diagram.
ExploringM31: explore the M31 galaxy with the PHAT dataset.
GNIRS_DQS_SpectralInventory: show how to access the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph - Distant Quasar Survey (GNIRS-DQS) at Data Lab and example spectra plots.
GOGREEN_GalaxiesInRichEnvironments: two notebooks showcase data access and image cutout services with the GOGREEN and GCLASS first data release, the first Gemini Large and Long program whose high-level science products are hosted at Data Lab.
GalacticStructure: probe stellar populations in different parts of the Galactic Plane using the DECaPS dataset, and in the SMASH fields. Another notebook explores star clusters in Gaia, including animated visualizations.
LargeScaleStructure: inspect large-scale structures using spectroscopic information from SDSS combined with photometric information from the DESI pre-imaging Legacy Surveys (LS).
MagellanicClouds: examine the stellar substructures that surround the Magellanic Clouds using the VHS and Gaia datasets.
Pal5TidalTails: identify tidal tails of the globular cluster Palomar 5 in the NSC catalog, as well as a jointly with Gaia to explore the proper motion of the cluster and its tails.
SpectralEnergyDistributions: (1) use narrow-band filters to construct SEDs of objects from the S-PLUS dataset, and (2) compare the mid- infrared photometry from unWISE and AllWISE (3.4 & 4.6 micron).
StarGalQSOSeparation: use photometric properties (colors, morphology/shape parameters, etc.) to distinguish between stars, galaxies, and QSOs in the DES and LS datasets.
TimeSeriesAnalysisRrLyraeStar: analyze time-series to measure the period of RR Lyrae stars using photometry from SMASH.
WhiteDwarfs: search for and analyze white dwarfs and other peculiar objects possibly ejected from the Galactic disk at very high velocities (> 400 km/s).
The ScienceExamples notebooks are located here:
The "04_HowTos/" folder contains sub-folders with notebooks that show how to use Data Lab services with more detail than the brief examples included in the GettingStarted and DataAccessOverview notebooks. The functionality is shown for the full set of keywords and options for the following:
The How-To notebooks are located here:
The "05_Contrib/" directory holds community-contributed notebooks to Data Lab, including ANTARES example notebooks. Please see ./CONTRIBUTING file for detailed instructions.
06 - EPO
The "06_EPO/" directory provides "Education and Public Outreach" notebooks, aimed at school students and teachers interested in astronomical research and in teaching astronomy. The currently three sub-directories contain:
TeenAstronomyCafe: notebooks originally developed for the "TeenAstronomy Café" activities organized jointly by the LSST and NOIRLab's outreach and engagement departments (middle/high school or undergraduate astronomy)
e-TeenAstronomyCafe: same, but these notebooks are executable at Colab
LaSerenaSchoolForDataScience: notebooks developed for the La Serena School for Data Science (undergraduate & graduate level), including machine learning, classification problems, and more.
Data Lab never modifies the notebooks that were placed in your notebooks/ directory during account creation. Over time, as the default notebooks evolve, they will diverge from those in notebooks/.
To obtain a full copy of the newest default notebooks, click in the
top-left corner of the JupyterLab interface dashboard on the "+" icon,
which opens a new launcher page. Then, in the "Other" section, click
on the "Terminal" option, where you can use the getlatest
username@datalab>getlatest Copied /dlusers/username/notebooks-latest/ to notebooks_20211118_212650/
username@datalab>getlatest mydir Copied /dlusers/username/notebooks-latest/ to mydir/
All notebooks have a version variable defined in the very first cell. Simply running 'grep version foofile.ipynb' will show the version of the given file.
Finally, copies of this README.txt file as well as the latest notebooks are kept at the Data Lab GitHub account: https://github.com/astro-datalab/notebooks-latest/ from where you can freely clone them.
The User Manual includes a tutorial on using Jupyter Notebooks with the Data Lab: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/docs/manual/UsingAstroDataLab/JupyterNotebooks/JupyterNotebooks.html
The User Manual also includes additional information on the Science Examples featured in the notebooks: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/docs/manual/UsingAstroDataLab/ScienceExamples/index.html
Helpful advice on using SQL and writing queries can be found here: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/docs/manual/UsingAstroDataLab/SQLGotchas/SQLGotchas/SQLGotchas.html
Lastly, please visit the Helpdesk to see the FAQs or ask your questions: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/help/