astrobmm / fastrot-spec

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Computes the surface parameters -radius, temperature, and effective gravity as a function of the latitude- of rapidly rotating stars with radiative envelopes, and builds their synthetic spectra. The parameterisation of the stellar surface is done using the semianalytical approach of the ESTER model presented by Espinosa-Lara and Rieutord (2011); that approach avoids any discussion about the gravity darkening exponent. The computation of the synthetic spectra is done using the atlas9 and synthe suite of codes by Kurucz (2014).

Installation & Requirements

Clone the above structure of folders on your computer. Your must have at the same level these five directories:


Unzip the 16 zip files in folder 00_models/ which contain the synthetic spectra computed for eight values of the metallicity, namely [M/H]= -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, +0.0, +0.2, +0.5 (Kurucz's way of labelling this files has been used: m25, m20, m15, m05, p00, p02, p05 ('m', 'p' stand for 'minus', 'plus'). WARNING: Mac computers unzip zip files in two different ways: is you use unzip from the terminal, the uncompressed files will be stored in the current directory, however, if you decompress the zip file clicking on the icon, a folder with the name of the zip will be created in the current directory and the files will be stored there. Check that the models are in 00_models/ before running the code.

How to run the code

The codes are written in fortran77, so you must have a fortran compiler in your system. Go to folder 00_codes/ and compile the programs; in linux platforms this works:

gfortran -std=legacy star3d.f -o star3d.exe
gfortran -std=legacy spec3d.f -o spec3d.exe
gfortran -std=legacy normspec.f -o normspec.exe

Some tests were made on Macs laptops, a fortran compiler such is the one in


seems to work, using the same commmand as above.

Make sure the script has the option to be an executable, type

ls -l

and see if you get something like -rwx------, if not, type:

chmod u+x

To run the codes, using the input files given in the directory, just type:


And that's it! Your results will be in folder 11_results/

Another option is to use the two python scripts stored in 00_python/. runs the whole code from the terminal, and allows the user to call the code from an independent python code, e.g. if a grid of models with different input parameters needs to be built, that function would link the python code written by the user, which generates a set of input parameters, with the fortran codes.

A description of the input and output files can be found in 00_codes/README_inputs_outputs.txt