astrojs / fitsjs

JavaScript library for reading the FITS astronomical format. Functionality includes reading of images, data cubes, compressed images, binary and ascii tables.
MIT License
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A standalone JavaScript library for reading the astronomical file format – FITS. This library is built for modern browsers supporting the DataView API. These include at least Chrome 9, Firefox 15, and Safari 6.

To use the library copy lib/fits.js to your project and include it with a script tag. The FITS object is exposed under the astro namespace.

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var FITS = astro.FITS;

This library may be used to read various forms of the FITS format. This implementation is under active development. Currently it supports:

Please let me know if you incorporate this library in your project, and please share your application with the rest of the astronomy community.




Returns the first HDU containing a data unit. An optional argument may be passed to retrieve a specific HDU.


Returns the header associated with the first HDU containing a data unit. An optional argument may be passed to point to a specific HDU.


Returns the data object associated with the first HDU containing a data unit. This method does not read from the array buffer. An optional argument may be passed to point to a specific HDU.



Returns the value of the key.


Checks if a key is contained in the header instance.


Checks if the header has an associated data unit.


<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var FITS = astro.FITS;

  // Define a callback function for when the FITS file is received
  var callback = function() {

    // Get the first header-dataunit containing a dataunit
    var hdu = this.getHDU();

    // Get the first header
    var header = this.getHeader();

    // or we can do
    var header = hdu.header;

    // Read a card from the header
    var bitpix = header.get('BITPIX');

    // Get the dataunit object
    var dataunit =;

    // or we can do
    var dataunit = this.getDataUnit();

    // Do some wicked client side processing ...

  // Set path to FITS file
  var url = "/some/FITS/file/on/your/server.fits";

  // Initialize a new FITS File object
  var fits = new FITS(url, callback);

  // Alternatively, the FITS object may be initialized using the HTML File API.
  var fits = new FITS.File(fileObj, callback);



Decompression and Dithering Algorithm



iseed0 = Ntile + ZDITHER0 - 1
iseed1 = (iseed0 - 1) % N_RANDOM
/* set r_i to a random value between 0 - 499 */

r_i = (int) (Rand[iseed1] * 500.)

/* now unscale all the pixel values in the tile */
for (ii = 0; ii < npix; ii++) {
    if (Itile[ii] == NULL_VALUE) {
       /* special case; this is a null value */
       Ftile[ii] = NaN
    } else if (Itile[ii] == ZERO_VALUE) {
       /* special case; this pixel = 0.0 */
       Ftile[ii] = 0.0
    } else {
       /* unscale value using subtractive dithering */
       Ftile[ii] = (float) (((double) Itile[ii] - Rand[r_i] + 0.5) * scale + zero)

    /* increment the index to next random value */
    if (r_i == N_RANDOM) {
        if (iseed1 == N_RANDOM) iseed1 = 0
        r_i = (int) (Rand[iseed1] * 500.);


Pence, W. D. Binary Table Extension To FITS.

Pence, W. D., L. Chiappetti, C. G. Page, R. a. Shaw, and E. Stobie. 2010. Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System ( FITS ), version 3.0. Astronomy & Astrophysics 524 (November 22): A42. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201015362.

Ponz, J.D., Thompson, R.W., Muñoz, J.R. The FITS Image Extension.

White, Richard L, Perry Greenfield, William Pence, Nasa Gsfc, Doug Tody, and Rob Seaman. 2011. Tiled Image Convention for Storing Compressed Images in FITS Binary Tables: 1-17.

Changes for fitsjs 0.6.0

Many changes have been made to the library to support large FITS files. Prior, the library attempted to copy an entire file into memory before parsing for information. Now it handles files more intelligently by only copying relevant portions into memory.

During the rewrite, API changes have been made. There is no longer a File object. Instances of FITS files are now initialized:

var f = new astro.FITS(path/to/remote/file, callback);

or using a native HTML5 File instance pointing to a local file.

var f = new astro.FITS(file-instance, callback);