astrojuanlu / kedro-pypi-monitor

Monitor for PyPI downloads of Kedro
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Kedro PyPI monitor


$ uv pip install -r requirements.txt -r dev-requirements.txt

Or, with plain pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt -r dev-requirements.txt


Generate a JSON credentials file from Google BigQuery. Click to expand steps. ### Create project 1. Go to 2. Sign up if you haven't already. The first TB of queried data each month is free. Each additional TB is $5. 3. Sign in on your account if you are not already; 4. Go to and click CREATE PROJECT if you don't already have one: ![create]( "CREATE PROJECT") 5. This takes you to []( Fill out the form and click CREATE. Any name is fine, but I recommend you choose something to do with PyPI like pypinfo. This way you know what the project is designated for: ![click]( 6. A while after creation, at the left-top corner, select the project name of your choice on dropdown component AND at the left-top corner "Navigation Menu", select option "Cloud Overview > Dashboard": ![show]( ### Enable BigQuery API 7. Click on top-left button "Navigation Menu" and click on option "API and services > Library": ![api_library]( 8. Perform a search with keywords "big query api" on available text field: ![big_query_api_search]( 9. Enable Big Query API by button "Enable" press: ![big_query_api]( 10. After enabling, click CREATE CREDENTIALS: ![credentials]( **Note**: You will be requested to go back to Big Query panel. In this case, click on top-left button "Navigation Menu", option "API and services > Enabled APIs and services" and on consequent page, on item "Big Query API": ![enabled_credentials]( 11. On the page after clicking the "CREATE CREDENTIALS" button, choose "BigQuery API", "Application Data" and "No, I'm not using them": ![credentials_page_1]( 12. Fill account details and press button "Create and Continue": ![credentials_page_2]( 13. Select role "BigQuery User" (option path "BigQuery > Big Query User"), press button "Done": ![credentials_page_3]( 14. On Big Query API panel (See **Note** on item *10*), click on tab "CREDENTIALS". On section "Service accounts", click on created credentials on items 11, 12 and 13. ![create_service_credential_key]( 15. On page from credential click, click on tab "KEYS". On dropdown menu "ADD KEY", click on option "Create new key": ![create_credential_key]( 16. On appearing box, click on option "JSON" and press button "CREATE": This will start the download of credentials on a JSON file with name pattern `{name}-{credentials_hash}.json`: ![create_private_key](

Then, export the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable with the path to that file:

$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=kedro-pypi-stats-xxx.json


To test that the code works, run the demo pipeline:

$ KEDRO_ENV=demo kedro run --pipeline fetch_kedro_data
[08/02/24 08:43:25] INFO     Kedro project kedro-pypi-monitor        
[08/02/24 08:43:29] INFO     Using synchronous mode for loading and
                             saving data. Use the --async flag for
                             potential performance gains.
                    INFO     Loading data from pypi_kedro_raw   
[08/02/24 08:43:33] INFO     Running node: unnest_data([pypi_kedro_raw]) ->
                    INFO     Saving data to pypi_kedro_unnested 
                    INFO     Completed 1 out of 1 tasks     
                    INFO     Pipeline execution completed successfully.