astropy / astropy-benchmarks

Benchmarks for the astropy project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
7 stars 27 forks source link

Astropy performance benchmarks


This repository includes a set of benchmarks to regularly test the performance of various parts of the astropy core package. These benchmarks are run for every new commit in the core package repository and the results are published using a user-friendly web interface. The benchmarks are run using airspeed velocity on dedicated physical machines belonging to members of the Astropy developer community.

Running the benchmarks locally

If you want to try and run the benchmarks locally you will first need to install asv

pip install asv

then clone the benchmarks repository

git clone --single-branch
cd astropy-benchmarks

Note that the --single-branch option is to avoid downloading the results branch, which is large.

The easiest/fastest way to try out the benchmarks is to make sure you have either a stable or a developer version of astropy installed, then run

asv run --python=same --quick --show-stderr --dry-run

This will run the benchmarks against the local astropy version and will do some basic timing, but the timing will not be very accurate, because this only runs each benchmark once instead of taking an average of many runs. Nevertheless, this is the first step to make sure things are running correctly and can still give order of magnitude timings.

To run asv properly on the latest commit in the upstream astropy main, you can do

asv run

This will set up a temporary environment in which astropy will be installed, and the benchmark functions will be run multiple times and averaged to get accurate timings. The results from this will be saved into a results/<machine-name> directory, which will store one file per commit (or more than one file if the tests are set up to run for multiple python or numpy versions, which they are not configured to do by default for Astropy).

You can specify the commit(s) to run the benchmarks for by using the same syntax as you would for the git log command. For example, to run the benchmarks for a single specific commit, you can do

asv run 88fbbc33^!

replacing 88fbbc33 by the commit you want to test (the ^! Indicates to just run this commit, not all commits up to that point). If you want to run a range of commits, use

asv run 827f322b..729abcf3

For the best accuracy, if you are using Linux, you can prevent core-swapping (which can introduce some noise in the timings) by running asv with

taskset -c 0 asv ...

This will ensure that the whole process runs on the same core.

You can generate a user-friendly web interface for your results locally by running

asv publish
asv preview

The asv preview command will give the URL of the local web server (e.g. - go to this address in your favorite browser to see the results.

Running benchmarks with specific versions of dependencies

If you would like to run the benchmarks against specific version(s) of an installed dependency (or dependencies), modify asv.conf.json to add matrix.req with the desired version(s):

  "version": 1,
  "project": "astropy",
  "project_url": "",
  "repo": "",
  "install_command": [
    "pip install . matplotlib scipy"
+ "matrix": {
+   "req": {
+     "matplotlib": [
+       "3.5.1"
+     ],
+     "numpy": [
+       "1.26.0",
+       "2.0.0rc1"
+     ]
+   }
+ },
  "branches": ["main"],
  "show_commit_url": "",
  "pythons": ["3.11"],
  "environment_type": "virtualenv"

Writing a benchmark

To write a new benchmark, fork this repository and take a look inside the benchmarks folder - each module in astropy that already has benchmarks has a corresponding file or directory with files for different parts of the module. Either add your benchmark to one of the existing files or create a new file as needed.

A benchmark is a Python function whose name starts with time_. A function should test as little as possible and therefore be as short/simple as possible. Any required imports should be done outside the function. Here is an example of a benchmark to test unit conversion:

from astropy import units as u

def time_my_benchmark():
    (u.m / u.s).to( / u.h)

Once you have added a benchmark, you can make sure it runs by running

asv run --python=same --quick --show-stderr --dry-run

As mentioned in [Running the benchmarks locally], this will run all the benchmarks in fast mode (running each function once).

You can select just the benchmark you have written using the --bench option

asv run --python=same --quick --show-stderr --dry-run --bench time_my_benchmark

Running benchmarks against a local commit

Say you have a local clone of astropy, and you would like to run benchmarks against your local changes. To do this, edit asv.conf.json to switch the repo entry from the upstream repository to your local repository:

  "version": 1,
  "project": "astropy",
  "project_url": "",
- "repo": "",
+ "repo": "./astropy/",
  "install_command": [
    "pip install . matplotlib scipy"
  "branches": ["main"],
  "show_commit_url": "",
  "pythons": ["3.11"],
  "environment_type": "virtualenv"

You will then be able to run the benchmarks against a commit in your local repository, e.g.

asv run 827f322b^!

Comparing commits

To compare two commits (e.g. the latest upstream commit and a local commit), use asv compare:

asv compare 88fbbc33 827f322b

This will show a table with a comparison of the benchmark times for the two commits:

All benchmarks:

       before           after         ratio
     [e8f1432a]       [c378f912]
+        1.17±0ms           1.69ms     1.44  coordinates.FrameBenchmarks.time_init_array
+       388±0.3μs            543μs     1.40  coordinates.FrameBenchmarks.time_init_nodata
+         932±2μs           1.34ms     1.44  coordinates.FrameBenchmarks.time_init_scalar
            1.08s            1.17s     1.08  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_icrs_to_galactic_array
+     28.6±0.03ms           43.0ms     1.50  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_icrs_to_galactic_scalar
-        48.2±7ms           37.4ms     0.78  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_init_array
+     2.84±0.01ms           5.22ms     1.84  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_init_scalar
+         168±2ms            29.5s   175.69  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_iter_array
-       118±0.2ms           46.4ms     0.39  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_repr_array
-         876±1μs            760μs     0.87  coordinates.SkyCoordBenchmarks.time_repr_scalar

Contributing benchmarks

Once you are happy with your benchmark(s), open a pull request to the astropy-benchmarks repository. You do not need to add any result files for the benchmarks - we have machines that automatically do this every night.

Notes to maintainers (outdated)

The main branch in this repository should not contain any results or built website. Results should be added to the results branch, and commits to the results branch trigger a build to the gh-pages branch.