astropy / astropy-v2.0-paper

Repository for the second Astropy paper
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Scope of the Paper

The goal is to produce a brief and informative paper that covers major astropy principles not mentioned in the first paper, the core v2.0 package, and infrastructure in the astropy project to support development in python.

The draft of the paper can be found here.

Notes on writing


The paper will be submitted to the software section of the Astrophysical Journal.


Comments on the paper are welcome as issues. Questions and comments can also be sent to

Rules for Authorship

The form is still open, so if you are only seeing this now but do qualify, please sign up on the form

We would like you to become a co-author if any of the following applies to you:

You have an official role in the project, as defined on
You have contributed code to the core package
You have contributed to one of the following pieces of infrastructure:
    astropy tutorial
You have contributed to one of the following ‘core’ affiliated packages (packages planned and developed by the Astropy core team for key functionality that may be merged into core in the future):

If you would like to be a co-author, please complete the form here. If the above does not apply to you but you feel that you should still be considered for co-authorship, please complete the form and your application will be reviewed.

The coordination committee has determine that the author order will be 'The Astropy Collaboration' as the first author, followed by people who have contributed significantly to the paper, in order of contribution level (or alphabetically where contribution levels are similar), and all other authors will then be listed alphabetically. A note will be included to indicate the author list and how it was determined. Final decisions about author order will be made by Kelle Cruz (on behalf of the Astropy Coordination Committee) and Steve Crawford (on behalf of the Paper II coordination committee).