asyncapi / java-spring-cloud-stream-template

Java Spring Cloud Stream template for the AsyncAPI Generator
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Java Spring Cloud Stream Generator Template

This template generates a Spring Cloud Stream (SCSt) microservice. It uses version 3 of SCSt which uses function names to configure the channels. See the reference. The generated microservice is a Maven project so it can easily be imported into your IDE.

This template has been tested with Kafka, RabbitMQ and Solace.

The Spring Cloud Stream microservice generated using this template will be an ready to run Spring Boot app. By default, the microservice will contain a java class,, which includes methods to publish or subscribe events as defined in the AsyncAPI document. These generated methods include Supplier, Consumer and Function functional interfaces from the java.util.function package. These methods will already be pre-configured to publish to and consume from the channels as defined in the AsyncAPI. This configuration is located in the section of the generated application.yml file.

Note that this template ignores the 'Servers' section of AsyncAPI documents. The main reason for this is because SCSt does not directly work with messaging protocols. Protocols are implementation details specific to binders, and SCSt applications need not know or care which protocol is being used.

Technical requirements

Specification Conformance

Note that this template interprets the AsyncAPI document in conformance with the AsyncAPI Specification. This means that when the template sees a subscribe operation, it will generate code to publish to that operation's channel. It is possible to override this, see the 'view' parameter in the parameters section below.

Which Methods are created

The template works as follows:

Method Naming

The generated methods are named as follows:

When converting from property names to Java field names, the property names are first converted to camelCase, removing non-alphanumeric characters in the process. If the resulting name ends up being a Java keyword, it is prepended with an underscore.

Application vs Library

By default, this will generate a runnable Spring Boot application. If you set the artifactType parameter to library, then it will generate a project without a main Application class and without the main Spring Boot dependencies. That will produce a library that can be imported into another application as a Maven artifact. It will contain the model classes and the Spring Cloud Stream configuration.

Doing that allows you to have a clean separation between the generated code and your hand-written code, and ensures that regenerating the library will not overwrite your business logic.

How to Use This Template

  1. Install the AsyncAPI Generator

    npm install -g @asyncapi/generator
  2. Run the Generator using the Java Spring Cloud Stream Template

    ag ~/AsyncApiDocument.yaml @asyncapi/java-spring-cloud-stream-template
  3. Run the Generator using the Java Spring Cloud Stream Template with Parameters

    ag -p binder=solace -p artifactId=ExampleArtifactId -p groupId=com.example -p -p solaceSpringCloudVersion=1.0.0 -p springCloudStreamVersion=Horsham.SR3 -p springCloudVersion=Hoxton.SR3 ~/AsyncApiDocument.yaml @asyncapi/java-spring-cloud-stream-template

Configuration Options

Please note that none of the parameters or specification extensions is required. All parameters have defaults as documented below.

Any parameters or specification extensions that include the name 'Solace' only have an effect when the Solace binder is specified. If and when other binder-specific parameters are added to this template, they will follow a similar naming pattern.

Destination Overrides

There are two specification extensions you can use to shape how the bindings are configured. You can add the following to a subscribe operation:

x-scs-destination : This overrides the destination value in a binder. This is useful when you are using the Solace binder and you are following the Solace pattern of publishing to topics and consuming from queues. In this case the x-scs-destination value would be treated as the name of the queue which your microservice will consume from.

x-scs-group : This will add the group value on a binding which configures your microservice to use Consumer Groups


Currently any schemas that are used must be in the components/schemas part of the document. We do not support anonymous object-type schemas in the message/payload sections.


Parameters can be passed to the generator using command line arguments in the form -p param=value -p param2=value2. Here is a list of the parameters that can be used with this template. In some cases these can be put into the AsyncAPI documents using the specification extensions feature. In those cases, the 'info' prefix means that it belongs in the info section of the document.

Parameter Extension Default Description
actuator false If true, it adds the dependencies for spring-boot-starter-web, spring-boot-starter-actuator and micrometer-registry-prometheus.
artifactId info.x-artifact-id project-name The Maven artifact id.
artifactType application The type of project to generate, application or library. When generating an application, the pom.xml file will contain the complete set of dependencies required to run an app, and it will contain an Application class with a main function. Otherwise the pom file will include only the dependencies required to compile a library.
binder kafka The name of the binder implementation, one of kafka, rabbit or solace. Default: kafka. If you need other binders to be supported, please let us know!
dynamicType streamBridge If you publish to a channel with parameters, i.e. a topic that can change with every message, the standard way to do this is to use StreamBridge. But some binders such as Solace can do the dynamic routing using just a message header. If you use such a binder, then you can set this value to 'header' and the generated code will set the topic on the header rather than use StreamBridge.
groupId info.x-group-id The Maven group id.
host tcp://localhost:55555 The host connection property. Currently this only works with the Solace binder. When other binders are used this parameter is ignored.
javaPackage info.x-java-package The Java package of the generated classes. If not set then the classes will be in the default package.
msgVpn default The message vpn connection property. Currently this only works with the Solace binder. When other binders are used this parameter is ignored.
password default The client password connection property. Currently this only works with the Solace binder. When other binders are used this parameter is ignored.
parametersToHeaders false If true, this will create headers on the incoming messages for each channel parameter. Currently this only works with messages originating from Solace (using the solace_destination header) and RabbitMQ (using the amqp_receivedRoutingKey header.)
reactive false If true, the generated functions will use the Reactive style and use the Flux class.
solaceSpringCloudVersion info.x-solace-spring-cloud-version 2.1.0 The version of the solace-spring-cloud-bom dependency used when generating an application.
springBootVersion info.x-spring-boot-version 2.4.7 The version of Spring Boot used when generating an application.
springCloudVersion info.x-spring-cloud-version 2020.0.3 The version of the spring-cloud-dependencies BOM dependency used when generating an application.
springCloudStreamVersion info.x-spring-cloud-stream-version 3.1.3 The version of the spring-cloud-stream dependency specified in the Maven file, when generating a library. When generating an application, the spring-cloud-dependencies BOM is used instead
username default The client username connection property. Currently this only works with the Solace binder. When other binders are used this parameter is ignored.
view info.x-view client By default, this template generates publisher code for subscribe operations and vice versa. You can switch this by setting this parameter to 'provider'.
useServers false This parameter only works when the binder parameter is kafka. It takes all the urls under the server section and concatenates them to a set of brokers.

Specification Extensions

The following specification extensions are supported. In some cases, their value can be provided as a command line parameter. The 'info' prefix means that it belongs in the info section of the document.

Extension Parameter Default Description
info.x-artifact-id artifactId project-name The Maven artifact id.
info.x-group-id groupId The Maven group id.
info.x-java-package javaPackage The Java package of the generated classes. If not set then the classes will be in the default package.
info.x-solace-spring-cloud-version solaceSpringCloudVersion 1.0.0 The version of the solace-spring-cloud BOM dependency used when generating an application.
info.x-spring-boot-version info.x-spring-boot-version 2.2.6.RELEASE The version of the Spring Boot used when generating an application.
info.x-spring-cloud-version info.x-spring-cloud-version Hoxton.SR3 The version of the spring-cloud-dependencies BOM dependency used when generating an application.
info.x-spring-cloud-stream-version springCloudStreamVersion 3.0.3.RELEASE The version of the spring-cloud-stream dependency specified in the Maven file, when generating a library. When generating an application, the spring-cloud-dependencies BOM is used instead.
info.x-view view client By default, this template generates publisher code for subscribe operations and vice versa. You can switch this by setting this parameter to 'provider'.
operation.x-scs-function-name This specifies the base function name to use on a publish or subscribe operation. If the same name is used on one subscribe operation and one publish operation, a processor function will be generated.
channel.subscription.x-scs-destination This overrides the destination on an incoming binding. It can be used to specify, for example, the name of a queue to subscribe to instead of a topic.
channel.subscription.x-scs-group This is used to specify the group property of an incoming binding.


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

If you do contribute, please run npm run lint and npm test before you submit your code.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Michael Davis

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ‘€ πŸ’¬

Marc DiPasquale


Fran MΓ©ndez

πŸ’» πŸš‡

Lukasz Gornicki

πŸš‡ πŸ’»

