at15 / CMPS232-Fall16

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Graduate Distributed Systems

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When: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am.
Where: ??
Who: Peter Alvaro
Office hours: Wednesday 11-12pm
Prerequisites: A passion for reading and a hunger for discussion
Readings: Readings (volatile; subject to significant change)


This graduate seminar will explore distributed systems research, both current and historical.

Due to fundamental uncertainty in their executions arising from asynchronous communication and partial failure, distributed systems present unique challenges to programmers and users. Moreover, distributed systems are increasingly ubiquitous: nearly all non-trivial systems are now physically distributed. It is no longer possible to relegate responsibility for managing the complexity of distributed systems to a group of expert library or infrastructure writers: all programmers must now be distributed programmers. This is both a crisis and an opportunity.

A great deal of theoretical work in distributed systems establishes important impossibility results, including the famous FLP result, the CAP Theorem, the two generals problem and the impossibility of establishing common knowledge via protocol. These results tell us what we cannot achieve in a distributed system, or more constructively, they tell us about the properties we must trade off for the properties we require when designing or using large-scale systems. But what can we achieve? The history of applied distributed systems work is largely the history of infrastructures -- storage systems as well as programming models -- that attempt to manage the fundamental complexity of the domain with a variety of abstractions.

This course focuses on these systems, models and languages. We will cover the following topics:


This course is a research seminar: we will focus primarily on reading and discussing conference papers. We will read 1-2 papers (typically 2) per session; for each paper, you will provide a brief summary (about 1 page). The summary should answer some or all of the following questions:


All students will be expected to present at least one (ideally two) research papers to the class. The presentation format is open: students will not be required to prepare slides (though doing so may help to organize the subject matter). If you do use slides, they should be original (created by you), and external material such as figures should be properly attributed. If you choose not to present slides, use the whiteboard well.

Final Project

Students must submit a final project related to distributed storage systems and/or programming models. Projects can be of one of two kinds:

Re-submitting a paper already submitted in any form to a class from a previous semester is not allowed. Submitting a paper concurrently to another class is allowed only with pre-approval from the instructor. In such cases, as with group papers, I expect the work to be especially strong.


Subject Share
Paper summaries 20%
Participation 20%
Presentations 20%
Project 40%

Final projects are required to pass the course. The fact that participation accounts for 20% of the grade should give you an idea of the important of class attendance.

Academic honesty

Collaboration is a key part of research. I encourage you to discuss the readings and the final project ideas with your classmates. However, you must reveal the students with whom you discussed the papers in your summaries. Failure to do so will result in formal disciplinary proceedings.

I should not need to say so, but I do: plagiarism in any form is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. As researchers, we always stand upon the shoulders of giants, and building upon existing work is the norm. It is essential, however, that we provide proper attribution. When in doubt, cite! Missing a relevant piece of related work is an embarassment for any researcher; failure to cite a direct influence is dishonest and catastrophic to a researcher's career. The related work section is one of the most critical parts of any paper: spend an adequate amount of time on it.