atarashansky / SAMap

SAMap: Mapping single-cell RNA sequencing datasets from evolutionarily distant organisms.
MIT License
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the dtype of array is not correct #107

Open wubaosheng opened 1 year ago

wubaosheng commented 1 year ago

I checked the source code of, at lines 992-994 ('paralog_pairs = paralog_pairs[ np.in1d(to_vn(paralog_pairs), np.append(to_vn(ortholog_pairs) ,to_vn(ortholog_pairs[:,::-1])), invert=True)]'). The result returns null, I think it's a problem with the data structure of array. I changed it into "paralog_pairs.astype('object')[np.in1d(to_vn(paralog_pairs).astype('object'), np.append(to_vn(ortholog_pairs).astype('object'),to_vn(ortholog_pairs[:,::-1]).astype('object')).astype('object'), invert=True)]", but the result is still null. I found that the reason for this problem is that my genes contain strings like decimal points. But I don't know how to change it. can you give me some advice.

secondly, in the line 1028-1029, I suggest to "orths = to_vn(gn[np.vstack((np.array(Xo).astype(int), np.array(Yo).astype(int))).T]), paras = to_vn(gn[np.vstack((np.array(Xp).astype(int), np.array(Yp).astype(int))).T])". give its dtype, otherwise errors may occur.
