atarashansky / SAMap

SAMap: Mapping single-cell RNA sequencing datasets from evolutionarily distant organisms.
MIT License
64 stars 19 forks source link

SAMap -- version 1.0.15


Please cite the following paper if using SAMap:

Tarashansky, Alexander J., et al. "Mapping single-cell atlases throughout Metazoa unravels cell type evolution." Elife 10 (2021): e66747.



pip install samap

Manual installation

Download Anacodna from here:

Create and activate a new environment for SAMap as follows:

# Install SAMap dependencies availabe in conda
conda create -n SAMap -c conda-forge python=3.9 numpy=1.23.5 pip pybind11 h5py=3.8.0 leidenalg python-igraph texttable
conda activate SAMap

Having activated the environment, install SAMap like so:

git clone samap_directory
cd samap_directory
pip install .

NCBI BLAST must be installed for the commandline.

# Define NCBI BLAST version.

# Download NCBI BLAST tarball.
wget "${ncbi_blast_version}/ncbi-blast-${ncbi_blast_version}+-x64-linux.tar.gz"

# Extract NCBI BLAST binaries in current conda environment bin directory.
tar -xzvf "ncbi-blast-${ncbi_blast_version}+-x64-linux.tar.gz" \
    -C "${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/" \
    --strip-components=2 \

Alternatively, add the NCBI BLAST binaries manually to the path:

# Define NCBI BLAST version.

# Download NCBI BLAST tarball.
wget "${ncbi_blast_version}/ncbi-blast-${ncbi_blast_version}+-x64-linux.tar.gz"

# Extract NCBI BLAST tarball.
tar -xzvf "ncbi-blast-${ncbi_blast_version}+-x64-linux.tar.gz"

# Add NCBI BLAST programs to PATH.
echo "export PATH=\"$PATH:/your/directory/ncbi-blast-${ncbi_blast_version}+/bin\"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Installation time should take no more than 10 minutes.

Running BLAST

The BLAST mapping script can be run from the SAMap_vignette.ipynb Jupyter notebook.

Depending on the number of cores available on your machine and the size/type of the input fasta files, this step may take up to around 4 hours.

Running SAMap

To run SAMap, use the SAMAP function in samap/ Please see its function documentation for a description of the inputs and outputs. Take a look at the provided Jupyter notebook to get started (SAMap_vignette.ipynb).