atc0005 / check-rsat

Go-based tooling to monitor Red Hat Satellite systems; NOT affiliated with or endorsed by Red Hat, Inc.
MIT License
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cli golang nagios nagios-plugin plans plugin redhat redhat-satellite sync


Go-based tooling to monitor Red Hat Satellite (RSAT) systems; NOT affiliated with or endorsed by Red Hat, Inc.

Latest Release Go Reference go.mod Go version Lint and Build Project Analysis

Table of Contents

Project home

See our GitHub repo for the latest code, to file an issue or submit improvements for review and potential inclusion into the project.

Just to be 100% clear: this project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Red Hat, Inc.


This repo contains various tools and plugins used to monitor Red Hat Satellite (RSAT) systems.

Plugin or Tool Name Description
check_rsat_sync_plans Nagios plugin used to monitor for problematic Red Hat Satellite (RSAT) sync plans.
lssp CLI app to list Red Hat Satellite sync plans.


The output for plugins in this project is designed to provide the one-line summary needed by Nagios (and other monitoring systems) for quick identification of a problem while providing longer, more detailed information for display within the web UI, use in email and Teams notifications (atc0005/send2teams).

By default, output intended for processing by Nagios is sent to stdout and output intended for troubleshooting by the sysadmin is sent to stderr. Output emitted to stderr is configurable via the --log-level flag.

For some monitoring systems or addons (e.g., Icinga Web 2, Nagios XI), the stderr output is mixed in with the stdout output in the web UI for the service check. This may add visual noise when viewing the service check output. For those cases, you may wish to explicitly disable the output to stderr by using the --log-level "disabled" CLI flag & value.


Nagios plugin used to monitor for problematic Red Hat Satellite (RSAT) sync plans.

See the configuration options section for details regarding supported flags and values.

See the features list for the validation checks currently supported by this plugin.

Performance Data

Initial support has been added for emitting Performance Data / Metrics, but refinement suggestions are welcome.

Consult the table below for the metrics implemented thus far.

Please add to an existing Discussion thread (if applicable) or open a new one with any feedback that you may have. Thanks in advance!

Emitted Performance Data / Metric Meaning
time Runtime for plugin
organizations Number of organizations
sync_plans_total Number of total sync plans
sync_plans_enabled Number of sync plans in an enabled state
sync_plans_disabled Number of sync plans in an disabled state
sync_plans_stuck Number of sync plans in a "stuck" state
sync_plans_problems Number of sync plans in a non-OK (needs sysadmin attention) state


CLI app used to generate an overview of the Red Hat Satellite sync plans along with their current state (e.g., disabled, enabled, next scheduled sync time, overall status).





Features common to all tools provided by this project.


See the file for the changes associated with each release of this application. Changes that have been merged to master, but not yet an official release may also be noted in the file under the Unreleased section. A helpful link to the Git commit history since the last official release is also provided for further review.


The following is a loose guideline. Other combinations of Go and operating systems for building and running tools from this repo may work, but have not been tested.

Building source code



From source

  1. Download Go
  2. Install Go
  3. Clone the repo
    1. cd /tmp
    2. git clone
    3. cd check-rsat
  4. Install dependencies (optional)
    • for Ubuntu Linux
      • sudo apt-get install make gcc
    • for CentOS Linux
      1. sudo yum install make gcc
  5. Build
    • manually, explicitly specifying target OS and architecture
      • GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_rsat_sync_plans/
      • most likely this is what you want (if building manually)
      • substitute amd64 with the appropriate architecture if using different hardware (e.g., arm64 or 386)
      • GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/lssp/
      • see notes above
    • using Makefile linux recipe
      • make linux
      • generates x86 and x64 binaries
    • using Makefile release-build recipe
      • make release-build
      • generates the same release assets as provided by this project's releases
  6. Locate generated binaries
    • if using Makefile
      • look in /tmp/check-rsat/release_assets/check_rsat_sync_plans/
      • look in /tmp/check-rsat/release_assets/lssp/
    • if using go build
      • look in /tmp/check-rsat/
  7. Copy the applicable binaries to whatever systems needs to run them so that they can be deployed

NOTE: Depending on which Makefile recipe you use the generated binary may be compressed and have an xz extension. If so, you should decompress the binary first before deploying it (e.g., xz -d check_rsat_sync_plans-linux-amd64.xz).

Using release binaries

  1. Download the latest release binaries
  2. Decompress binaries
    • e.g., xz -d check_rsat_sync_plans-linux-amd64.xz
  3. Copy the applicable binaries to whatever systems needs to run them so that they can be deployed


DEB and RPM packages are provided as an alternative to manually deploying binaries.


  1. Place check_rsat_sync_plans in a location where it can be executed by the monitoring agent
    • Usually the same place as other Nagios plugins
    • For example, on a default Red Hat Enterprise Linux system using check_nrpe the check_rsat_sync_plans plugin would be deployed to /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_rsat_sync_plans or /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_rsat_sync_plans
  2. Place lssp in a location where it can be easily accessed
    • Usually the same place as other custom tools installed outside of your package manager's control
    • e.g., /usr/local/bin/lssp


DEB and RPM packages are provided as an alternative to manually deploying binaries.

Configuration options

Command-line arguments


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored. Log messages are sent to stderr by default. See Output for more information.
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
omit-ok No false No true, false Whether sync plans listed in plugin output should be limited to just those in a non-OK state.
read-limit No 1048576 No valid whole number of bytes Limit in bytes used to help prevent abuse when reading input that could be larger than expected. The default value is nearly 4x the largest observed (formatted) feed size.
page-limit No 50 No valid whole number Overrides the default pagination limit for API calls. Red Hat Satellite API defaults to a per-page limit of 20 results, our default is higher.
verbose No false No true, false Whether to display verbose details in the final plugin output.
server Yes empty No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The Red Hat Satellite server FQDN or IP Address.
username Yes empty No valid user account The valid user for the given Red Hat Satellite server.
password Yes empty No valid password or personal access token The valid password or personal access token for the specified user.
port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive The port used by the Red Hat Satellite server API.
permit-tls-renegotiation No false No true, false Whether support for accepting renegotiation requests from the Red Hat Satellite server are permitted. This support is disabled by default. Renegotiation is not supported for TLS 1.3.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
net-type No auto No tcp4, tcp6, auto Limits network connections to one of tcp4 (IPv4-only), tcp6 (IPv6-only) or auto (either).
ca-cert No empty No valid path to file CA Certificate used to validate the certificate chain used by the Red Hat Satellite server. This is usually the path to the CA cert provided by the katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm package which is installed as part of registering a RHEL instance with a Red Hat Satellite instance.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored. Log messages are sent to stderr by default. See Output for more information.
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
omit-ok No false No true, false Whether sync plans listed in plugin output should be limited to just those in a non-OK state.
read-limit No 1048576 No valid whole number of bytes Limit in bytes used to help prevent abuse when reading input that could be larger than expected. The default value is nearly 4x the largest observed (formatted) feed size.
page-limit No 50 No valid whole number Overrides the default pagination limit for API calls. Red Hat Satellite API defaults to a per-page limit of 20 results, our default is higher.
output-format No table No overview, simple-table, pretty-table, verbose Sets output format. The default format is pretty-table.
server Yes empty No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The Red Hat Satellite server FQDN or IP Address.
username Yes empty No valid user account The valid user for the given Red Hat Satellite server.
password Yes empty No valid password or personal access token The valid password or personal access token for the specified user.
port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive The port used by the Red Hat Satellite server API.
permit-tls-renegotiation No false No true, false Whether support for accepting renegotiation requests from the Red Hat Satellite server are permitted. This support is disabled by default. Renegotiation is not supported for TLS 1.3.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
net-type No auto No tcp4, tcp6, auto Limits network connections to one of tcp4 (IPv4-only), tcp6 (IPv6-only) or auto (either).
ca-cert No empty No valid path to file CA Certificate used to validate the certificate chain used by the Red Hat Satellite server. This is usually the path to the CA cert provided by the katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm package which is installed as part of registering a RHEL instance with a Red Hat Satellite instance.

Configuration file

Not currently supported. This feature may be added later if there is sufficient interest.


Entries in this section attempt to provide a brief overview of usage. Please file an issue if coverage is found to be unclear or incorrect.

check_rsat_sync_plans Nagios plugin

CLI invocations

Omit OK sync plans

This example omits all of the OK status sync plans. We also omit the bulk of the entries only showing the first 3 orgs and the last one.

$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_rsat_sync_plans --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --timeout 240 --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level info --omit-ok
OK: No sync plans with non-OK status detected for (evaluated 20 orgs, 58 sync plans)


* Org1 (0 enabled, 3 disabled)
* Org2 (0 enabled, 3 disabled)
* Org3 (3 enabled, 0 disabled)


* Org20 (3 enabled, 0 disabled)

 | 'organizations'=20;;;; 'sync_plans_disabled'=32;;;; 'sync_plans_enabled'=26;;;; 'sync_plans_problems'=0;;;; 'sync_plans_stuck'=0;;;; 'sync_plans_total'=58;;;; 'time'=134627ms;;;;
List all sync plans

This example does not omit the OK status sync plans. We do however omit the bulk of the entries only showing the first 3 and last org.

$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_rsat_sync_plans --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --timeout 240 --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level disabled
OK: No sync plans with non-OK status detected for (evaluated 20 orgs, 58 sync plans)


Org1 (0 enabled, 3 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: N/A]

Org2 (0 enabled, 3 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: N/A]

Org3 (3 enabled, 0 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 07:43:00 CDT]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 16:43:00 CDT]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: 2023-07-12 16:43:00 CDT]

Org20 (3 enabled, 0 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 08:12:00 CDT]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 21:12:00 CDT]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: 2023-07-10 21:12:00 CDT]

 | 'organizations'=20;;;; 'sync_plans_disabled'=32;;;; 'sync_plans_enabled'=26;;;; 'sync_plans_problems'=0;;;; 'sync_plans_stuck'=0;;;; 'sync_plans_total'=58;;;; 'time'=128017ms;;;;

Command definitions

The command definition file below defines several commands for use in service check definitions.

Each command explicitly excludes "OK" sync plans in order to keep the output manageable. Remove the omit-ok flag if you wish to list the current status of all sync plans.

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/rsat-sync-plans.cfg

define command{
    command_name    check_rsat_sync_plans
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_rsat_sync_plans --server '$ARG1$' --port '$ARG2$' --username '$ARG3$' --password '$ARG4$' --timeout 240 --ca-cert '/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem' --permit-tls-renegotiation --omit-ok --log-level disabled

define command{
    command_name    check_rsat_sync_plans_custom_timeout
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_rsat_sync_plans --server '$ARG1$' --port '$ARG2$' --username '$ARG3$' --password '$ARG4$' --timeout '$ARG5$' --ca-cert '/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem' --permit-tls-renegotiation --omit-ok --log-level disabled

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each.

lssp CLI app

The pretty-table format (default)

This example uses the default timeout of 300s (5m) and also specifies the CA cert to perform certificate chain validation for the Red Hat Satellite API endpoints. We permit TLS renegotiation as that has been found to be needed for some Satellite instances.

The current behavior is to emit an empty table if no problems were detected and the flag to omit OK sync plans was specified. This is subject to change in a future version.

$ /usr/local/bin/lssp --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level info --omit-ok
7:36AM INF Attempting to load specified CA cert ca-cert=/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
7:36AM INF Successfully loaded CA cert
7:36AM INF Retrieving Red Hat Satellite sync plans (this may take a while) timeout=5m0s
7:38AM INF Retrieved sync plans organizations=20 sync_plans=58
7:38AM INF Evaluating sync plans
7:38AM INF No problems detected
7:38AM INF Generating sync plans report


│  Org Name  │  Plan Name  │  Enabled  │  Interval  │  Next Sync  │  Status  │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │
│            │             │           │            │             │          │

Here is an example where we did not specify the flag to omit OK results:

$ /usr/local/bin/lssp --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level info
7:41AM INF Attempting to load specified CA cert ca-cert=/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
7:41AM INF Successfully loaded CA cert
7:41AM INF Retrieving Red Hat Satellite sync plans (this may take a while) timeout=5m0s
7:43AM INF Retrieved sync plans organizations=20 sync_plans=58
7:43AM INF Evaluating sync plans
7:43AM INF No problems detected
7:43AM INF Generating sync plans report


│  Org Name  │               Plan Name                │  Enabled  │  Interval  │         Next Sync         │  Status  │
│  Org1      │  Base OS                               │  false    │  hourly    │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│  Org1      │  OS Related                            │  false    │  daily     │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│  Org1      │  Other                                 │  false    │  weekly    │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│            │                                        │           │            │                           │          │
│  Org2      │  Base OS                               │  false    │  hourly    │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│  Org2      │  OS Related                            │  false    │  daily     │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│  Org2      │  Other                                 │  false    │  weekly    │  Not scheduled            │    ✔     │
│            │                                        │           │            │                           │          │
│  Org3     │  Base OS                               │  true     │  hourly    │  2023-07-06 07:43:00 CDT  │    ✔     │
│  Org3     │  OS Related                            │  true     │  daily     │  2023-07-06 16:43:00 CDT  │    ✔     │
│  Org3     │  Other                                 │  true     │  weekly    │  2023-07-12 16:43:00 CDT  │    ✔     │
│            │                                        │           │            │                           │          │
│  Org20    │  Base OS                               │  true     │  hourly    │  2023-07-06 08:12:00 CDT  │    ✔     │
│  Org20    │  OS Related                            │  true     │  daily     │  2023-07-06 21:12:00 CDT  │    ✔     │
│  Org20    │  Other                                 │  true     │  weekly    │  2023-07-10 21:12:00 CDT  │    ✔     │

The formatting in the console is a little different than shown above (right border is displayed accurately), but this gives an overall idea of the output.

There are also 20 organizations with the majority having 3 plans each. The output above is trimmed to just the first 3 and last 1.

The overview format

This example uses the default timeout of 300s (5m) and also specifies the CA cert to perform certificate chain validation for the Red Hat Satellite API endpoints. We permit TLS renegotiation as that has been found to be needed for some Satellite instances.

$ /usr/local/bin/lssp --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level info --output-format overview
7:51AM INF Attempting to load specified CA cert ca-cert=/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
7:51AM INF Successfully loaded CA cert
7:51AM INF Retrieving Red Hat Satellite sync plans (this may take a while) timeout=5m0s
7:54AM INF Retrieved sync plans organizations=20 sync_plans=58
7:54AM INF Evaluating sync plans
7:54AM INF No problems detected
7:54AM INF Generating sync plans report


* Org1 (0 problems, 0 enabled, 3 disabled)
* Org2 (0 problems, 0 enabled, 3 disabled)
* Org3 (0 problems, 3 enabled, 0 disabled)


* Org20 (0 problems, 3 enabled, 0 disabled)

The verbose format

The behavior between this format and the overview format is nearly identical when using the flag to omit OK sync plans. If not opting to omit OK sync plans (as the output below shows), the sync plan name, interval and next scheduled sync time is shown. This can be useful for diagnosing "stuck" sync plans and seeing at a glance which orgs have disabled sync plans.

$ /usr/local/bin/lssp --server --port 443 --username $RSAT_USER --password $RSAT_PASSWORD --ca-cert /etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem --permit-tls-renegotiation --log-level info --output-format verbose
7:58AM INF Attempting to load specified CA cert ca-cert=/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem
7:58AM INF Successfully loaded CA cert
7:58AM INF Retrieving Red Hat Satellite sync plans (this may take a while) timeout=5m0s
8:00AM INF Retrieved sync plans organizations=20 sync_plans=58
8:00AM INF Evaluating sync plans
8:00AM INF No problems detected
8:00AM INF Generating sync plans report


Org1 (0 enabled, 3 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: N/A]

Org2 (0 enabled, 3 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: N/A]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: N/A]

Org3 (3 enabled, 0 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 08:43:00 CDT]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 16:43:00 CDT]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: 2023-07-12 16:43:00 CDT]

Org20 (3 enabled, 0 disabled):
  * [Name: Base OS, Interval: hourly, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 08:12:00 CDT]
  * [Name: OS Related, Interval: daily, Next Sync: 2023-07-06 21:12:00 CDT]
  * [Name: Other, Interval: weekly, Next Sync: 2023-07-10 21:12:00 CDT]

Other output formats

Other output formats are also available. See the configuration options for more information.


From the LICENSE file:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 Adam Chalkley

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

