atcupps / Jupiterp

A course schedule planning and building tool for University of Maryland students.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
17 stars 4 forks source link


Jupiterp is a website built to help students at the University of Maryland plan their schedules and make informed decisions about their course and section selections. Jupiterp provides a course planner that allows students to search for courses, see sections complete with professor reviews from PlanetTerp, and visualize their course schedule.

Jupiterp is split into two components: datagen and site. The datagen component includes web-scraping and API tools which are responsible for obtaining course information and reviews, and is built using Rust. The site component contains the front and backend of the actual site students will be able to visit and use, and is built using SvelteKit with TypeScript.

Jupiterp is not officially affiliated with the University of Maryland; it is primarily managed and maintained by @atcupps. Contact for any inquiries.

For more information on Jupiterp and on contributing to this project please see Otherwise, see the instructions below to learn how to work on this project.

Getting Started

Prerequisite Installations

Before working on Jupiterp, make sure your computer has the following installed and functional dependencies:


To run datagen, navigate to the datagen folder. Using cargo, you can run two different binaries:

For either of these, you can use cargo run --bin <BIN> -- -h to see possible arguments for each binary.


To test the site, navigate to the site folder. Use npm run dev to run the site locally, then use a browser to navigate to http://localhost:5173/.


See to view instructions on the collaborative development process for Jupiterp.