atharvapurdue / text_summarization

Researching and Building a text summarization AI models
Apache License 2.0
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Exploration of Text Summarization Methods and Techniques

Researching and Building a text summarization AI models

To create the environment using conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml

spACy, HeapQ, TextRank

To use the extractive methods mentioned in the paper and in our presentation, use the following command, methods are textrank and heapq. If you haven't downloaded the spACy en_core_web_lg package, use True.

python -m spacy_fulldataset --method=[METHOD] --download=[True|False]


In order to generate a baseline result for BART, the shell script should be run, but in order to do so, the path should be changed to a local installation of transformers from HuggingFace, installed from source. The file bart_baseline.out is a text file with the shell script output from a nohup command.

Baseline Results:

eval_gen_len            =    83.8787
  eval_loss               =     2.7142
  eval_rouge1             =     44.586
  eval_rouge2             =    21.4773
  eval_rougeL             =    31.0223
  eval_rougeLsum          =    41.5275
  eval_runtime            = 1:45:18.98
  eval_samples            =      13368
  eval_samples_per_second =      2.116
  eval_steps_per_second   =      0.529

The relevant metrics are eval_rouge_1, eval_rouge_2, and eval_rouge_L. The values are in line with the original paper from Facebook AI (now META AI).