atholbro / paseto

Java Implementation of Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens -
MIT License
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authentication java jwt paseto paseto-tokens security token token-authetication token-based-authentication

PASETO: Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens

Build Status codecov License: MIT

A Java Implementation of Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens -

Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards.


What is Paseto?

Paseto (Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens) is a specification and reference implementation for secure stateless tokens.

Key Differences between Paseto and JWT

Unlike JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which gives developers more than enough rope with which to hang themselves, Paseto only allows secure operations. JWT gives you "algorithm agility", Paseto gives you "versioned protocols". It's incredibly unlikely that you'll be able to use Paseto in an insecure way.

Caution: Neither JWT nor Paseto were designed for stateless session management. Paseto is suitable for tamper-proof cookies, but cannot prevent replay attacks by itself.

Supported Paseto Features

Feature Supported


This library was created to support all Paseto features in a plugable fashion. The JSON, and cryptography code for V1/V2 are separate libraries, which allows their implementation to be replaced with alternatives. For example: the default JSON encoding is provided via Jackson, however if you are already using GSON, then you can provide your own EncodingProvider and call into GSON to encode JSON. At some point an implementation of the cryptographic primitives required for v2 tokens in pure Java may be provided.

Currently the following providers are available:

Name Type Description
encoding-jackson-json EncodingProvider JSON using Jackson
crypto-v1-bc V1CryptoProvider Cryptography for Paseto V1 Tokens using Bouncy Castle
crypto-v2-libsodium V2CryptoProvider Cryptography for Paseto V2 Tokens using libsodium (LazySodium)

Note: GSON will be officailly supported in the future as an alternative to Jackson.



// Top level build file
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url  "" }

// Dependencies section
dependencies {
    compile 'net.aholbrook.paseto:meta:0.6.1'

Libsodium for V2 Tokens

If you're using V2 tokens (which are recommended for most use cases) then you'll have to install libsodium for your platform. More details can be found in the libsodium documentation at:

Typically this is as easy as installing a package, for example on Arch Linux you can use: sudo pacman -S libsodium.

If you only plan on using V1 Tokens, then you can skip this step.


A note on the available APIs

A high level wrapper around raw Paseto tokens is provided and its usage is encouraged. This high level API implements the Paseto JsonToken as described in the RFC. However since JsonToken was just recently made a requirement, other Paseto implementations provide access to raw Paseto tokens. As such access to the low level Paseto token API is available and described below should you need to work with raw tokens from another library. Most users should stick with the offical JsonToken (which this library allows you to extend if needed).

V1 vs V2

If your curious as to why Paseto has V1 and V2 tokens, you can find more details in the Paseto RFC (section 3) ( Basically version 1 tokens are a compatibility mode for legacy systems where the newer cryptographic primitives required by version 2 are unavailable. An example might be an Arduino.

All other systems should use the newest version, which is currently version 2. Paseto versions are not backward compatible, therefore a token created with V1 must be verified with V1 and will fail validation if passed to a V2 instance.

Local and Public

Paseto tokens come in two varieties: local and public. The following table outlines the differences:

Type Encrypted Authentication Asymmetric

Both varieties are protected from modifications (authentication). Local tokens are encrypted, but require the same key for encryption and decryption. Public tokens are not encrypted, meaning that anyone can read their contents, however they can be verified using a public key. This allows a party to verify a public token without having the ability to create a valid token.

JsonToken API

Getting Started

Lets start with an example of creating a basic Paseto JsonToken. For this example we'll use a local token (encrypted) variant and the latest version (2).

byte[] key = Hex.decode("707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f");
TokenService<Token> tokenService = PasetoBuilders.V2.localService(() -> key, Token.class)

Token token = new Token();
token.setTokenId("example-id"); // A session key, user id, etc.

String encoded = tokenService.encode(token);

Lets break down the example step by step:

byte[] key = Hex.decode("707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f");

To encode a Paseto token, an encryption key is required. Paseto expects your encryption key to be provided as an array of bytes. For this example we use the provided Hex utility class to decode a byte array from a String of hex pairs.

TokenService<Token> tokenService = PasetoBuilders.V2.localService(() -> key, Token.class)

Next we create an instance of the Paseto LocalTokenService. The TokenService is the interface to the interface to high level Paseto API. The minimum requirements to work with local Paseto tokens are the encryption key, and the type of token. PasetoBuilders.V2.localService() returns a builder, which allows you to adjust some of the default behaviors when encoding/decoding tokens. In this example we set a default validity period, which automatically sets the token expiration date & time such that the token is valid for the given duration (15 days in this example).

We provide the encryption key via a lambda () -> key which simply returns the key variable we defined in the previous step (the interface is LocalTokenService.KeyProvider). An interface is used here so that the key can be loaded on demand for each encode/decode operation. We'll cover this in more detail below, but for now just know that the high level API will call this lambda each time a token is encoded / decoded.

The type of token must also be specified as this library allows you to extend the base Token type to add your own data fields (provided they don't conflict with the existing fields). Due to this extensibility we have to tell the TokenService which type of token to instantiate when decoding a token.

We then call withDefaultValidityPeriod() on the builder, which allows us to set a default expiration date & time. When set, the service will automatically set the token issue and expiration fields based off the current time, unless already set. This reduces the code requirement to create a token, as typically most tokens in an application will have a standard validity period. If we had excluded the call to withDefaultValidityPeriod() then no default would be set, and we'd be required to set an expiration date & time.

Finally a call to build() is made, which creates an instance of the TokenService.

Token token = new Token();
token.setTokenId("example-id"); // Where "example-id" is an entry in a database table.

Next we create a new token and set it's ID to "example-id". The token ID resolves to the Paseto jti claim (We call it the Token ID claim in this library as its easier to deduce it's meaning). The Token ID claim is used to prevent reply attacks by providing a key to lookup if this token has been previously used. The details of this are left to the application engineer (like with JWT).

String encoded = tokenService.encode(token);

The last step is to call encode with the token. Encode returns a String which contains the contents of the token, encrypted and authenticated with the key provided earlier. Do note, that this token is "salted" such that repeat calls to encode will produce different ouput, however the contents stored within the token remain the same.

The contents of the token are now protected from tampering, as any change to the token string will invalidate the cryptographic signature applied. Since this is a "local" token, the contents are also encrypted, so secret details can be passed to the user but only read by our software.

Decoding & Verifiying

Now that we've encoded our first Paseto token, lets see how we decrypt the contents and verify that no modifications have been made.

// continuing from the previous example
Token decoded = tokenService.decode(encoded);

This example continues from the previous example and immediately decrypts and verifies the token. Typically this will be some time later, when the client returns the token to our application. The decode() function verifies the integrity of the token and decrypts its contents. The contents of the token are returned as an object of the same type that was given when encoding the token.

If the token was modified by the user, or if the token has expired, then an exception of type PasetoException will be thrown and the contents of the token will not be returned. The exception will contain the reason as to why the token failed to decode.

Token Footers

If you need to store data in the token which is authenticated but not encrypted, then you can do so using the token footer. The typical use case for this is picking the encryption key used to sign the token, and a default Footer class (KeyId) is provided for this purpose. Do note, that you should never store the encryption key in the token footer, the KeyId should be set to an identifier which describes the key used, not the key itself. For example you could set the KeyId to the date/time that the key was issued.

You can also store data that you may need to decode before the token is verified by providing your own footer class (or extending KeyId if you need it's functionality as well). For example you could store the user's first name to give them a personalized error message if the token fails to validate.

Data stored in the token footer is never encrypted and the client can easily read this data by Base64 decoding the token string. The data is protected against tampering so long as you're not using the getFooter() method.

KeyId footer = new KeyId();
footer.setKeyId("1"); // first key we're using

encoded = tokenService.encode(token, footer);

And that's all there is to setting a token footer, just provide it to the encode() call. Any type is accepted as a footer, it does not have to be a KeyId. You could provide a basic string, or an object which will be encoded using JSON.

Decoding with Footers

When decoding a token that has a footer, you have 4 options:

We'll look at each one in order:

Decode with an expected footer value

Let's say you start out with a basic Token, then later extend it to your own CustomToken and only want to accept the newer CustomTokens. One way to approach this is to add the token type as a footer, for this example lets say that footer is the string "custom". In this case you only want to accept tokens that have their footer set as "custom".

The Paseto library supports this by passing the expected value into the decode function. The footer will be checked before decoding the token using constant time equals to protect against timing attacks. If the footer present in the token does not match the given footer, then an exception will be thrown and the decode() operation will fail. This allows you to safely ensure that the footer contents equals a specific value.

decoded = tokenService.decode(encoded, footer);

Note that you may run into trouble if using JSON encoding for the footer as the field order may change. With Jackson you can define the field order by using the @JsonPropertyOrder annotation. Other libraries may not support this.

Return the token and the footer

If you need access to the data in the footer beyond ensuring that its equal to an expected value, then you can return the footer with the decoded token by passing the class of the footer type to the decodeWithFooter() method. The Token and Footer are returned in a Tuple object "TokenWithFooter" which stores both values.

TokenWithFooter twf = tokenService.decodeWithFooter(encoded, KeyId.class);
decoded = twf.getToken();
footer = twf.getFooter();

Peak at the footer

If you need to check the value before decoding the token then you can use the getFooter() method.

footer = tokenService.getFooter(encoded, KeyId.class);

No authentication is performed when "peeking" at the footer, and therefore getFooter() should only be used when it does not matter if the value has been tampered with.

Ignore the footer

If you don't need access to the footer, then you can use the regular decode() method which will silently ignore the footer.