athoune / erlang-redis-protocol

Use the redis protocol to implement erlang server
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Redis protocol

Let the others talking to your erlang server with the redis protocol.

You can build a fake redis server or a slave.

Just like the node version : node redis protocol

Try it

$ make
$ ./
1> redis_protocol_dummy:start().

In an other terminal :

$ redis-cli
redis> hello world

Use it

Hereis a dummy example




start() ->
    redis_protocol:start(6379, ?MODULE). %% It's the minimalistic start, with no option

%% Each messages land here
%%  * You need Transport and Socket to answer.
%%  * State is used for every messages in this conection, you can modify it
%% Action is a binary list with redis like command
handle(Connection, State, Action) ->
    io:format("Action ~p~n", [Action]),
    io:format("State ~p~n", [State]),
    ok = redis_protocol:answer(Connection, ok),
    {ok, [Action | State]}.



MIT © Mathieu Lecarme, 2012