atk4 / login

Add-on implementing User Login, Registration, Management and Password
MIT License
26 stars 22 forks source link
agile atk4 authentication login php

ATK UI implements a high-level User Interface for Web App - such as Admin System. One of the most common things for the Admin system is a log-in screen.

Although you can implement log-in form easily, this add-on does everything for you:


Install through composer composer require atk4/login

Then add Auth into your app and set appropriate user controller:

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App();
$app->db = new \Atk4\Data\Persistence($dsn);

$app->auth = new \Atk4\Login\Auth($app);
$app->auth->setModel(new \Atk4\Login\Model\User($app->db));

// The rest of YOUR UI code will now be protected
\Atk4\Ui\Crud::addTo($app)->setModel(new Client($app->db));

(If you do not have User model yet, you can extend or use \Atk4\Login\Model\User).



Here are all the classes implemented:

When used default installation, it will relay on various other components (such as LoginForm), however you can also use those components individually.

Advanced Usage

There are two modes of operation - Automated and Manual. Automated handles display of forms based on currently logged state automatically. It was already presented in the "Installation" section above.

For a more advanced usage, you can either tweak Automated mode or use individual components manually.

Tweaking Automated Mode

When you initialize 'Auth' class you may inject property values:

$app->auth = new \Atk4\Login\Auth($app, [
    'hasPreferences' => false, // do not show Preferences page/form
    'pageDashboard' => 'dashboard', // name of the page, where user arrives after login
    'pageExit' => 'goodbye', // where to send user after logout

    // Oter options:
    // 'hasUserMenu' => false, // will disable interaction with Admin Layout user menu
$app->auth->setModel(new User($app->db));

Using Manual Mode

In the manual mode, no checks will be performed, and you are responsible for authenticating user yourself. This works best if you have a more complex auth logic.

$app->auth = new \Atk4\Login\Auth($app, [
    'check' => false,
$app->auth->setModel(new User($app->db));

// Now manually use login logic
if (!$app->auth->user->isLoaded()) {
    \Atk4\Login\LoginForm::addTo($app, ['auth' => $app->auth]);

Adding sign-up form

    ->setModel(new \Atk4\Login\Model\User($app->db));

Displays email and 2 password fields (for confirmation). If filled successfully will create new record for \Atk4\Login\Model\User. Will cast email to lowercase before adding. Things to try:

Log-in form


\Atk4\Login\LoginForm::addTo($app, [
    'auth' => $app->auth,
    // 'successLink' => ['dashboard'],
    // 'forgotLink' => ['forgot'],

Displays log-in form and associate it with $auth. When form is filled, will attempt to authenticate using $auth's model. If password is typed correctly, will redirect to "successLink" (which will be passed to $app->url()). Things to try:


To check if user is currently logged in:

if ($app->auth->user->isLoaded()) {
    // logged-in

Auth model stores user model data in session, so if you delete user from database, he will not be automatically logged out. To log-out user explicitly, call $app->auth->logout().

You may also access user data like this: $app->auth->model['name']; Things to try:

Profile Form

This form would allow user to change user data (including password) but only if user is authenticated. To implement profile form use:


Demos open profile form in a pop-up window, if you wish to do it, you can use this code:

Button::addTo($app, ['Profile', 'class.primary' => true])
    ->on('click', Modal::addTo($app)->set(function (View $p) {

Things to try:


Field 'password' is using a custom field class Password. Stored value is always a hash, use Password::hashPassword() + Password::set() methods to set the value or use Password::setPassword() method to set the password directly. You can use this field in any model like this:

$model->addField('password', [\Atk4\Data\Field\PasswordField::class]);

Also the password will not be stored in session cache and will not be accessible directly.

Things to try:

Custom User Model

Although a basic User model is supplied, you can either extend it or use your own user model.

User Admin

We include a slightly extended "Admin" interface which includes page to see user details and change their password. To create admin page use:

    ->setModel(new \Atk4\Login\Model\User($app->db));


This uses a standard CRUD interface, enhancing it with additional actions:


Things to try:


Use of migration is optional, but can help by populating initial structure of your user model. Look inside file demos/wizard.php. It simply adds a console component, which will execute migration of 'User' model.

When migration is executed it simply checks to make sure that table for 'user' exists and has all required fields. It will not delete or change existing fields or tables.


Generally we wish to keep this add-on clean, but very extensible, with various tutorials on how to implement various scenarios (noted above under "Things to try").

For some of those features we would like to add a better support in next releases:

If you would like to propose other features, please suggest them by opening ticket here: