atks / vt

A tool set for short variant discovery in genetic sequence data.
MIT License
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compilation error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurl" #93

Closed yjx1217 closed 6 years ago

yjx1217 commented 6 years ago


I encountered the following compilation error on one of servers that I am using but not the other. So I guess this is server specific issue but it will be great if I can get some help to work around this error.

The error message goes:

... g++ -pipe -std=c++0x -O3 -I./lib -I. -I./lib/htslib -I./lib/Rmath -I./lib/pcre2 -DSTDC_LIMIT_MACROS -o vntr_tree.o -c vntr_tree.cpp g++ -pipe -std=c++0x -O3 -I./lib -I. -I./lib/htslib -I./lib/Rmath -I./lib/pcre2 -DSTDC_LIMIT_MACROS -o vntrize.o -c vntrize.cpp g++ -pipe -std=c++0x -O3 -I./lib -I. -I./lib/htslib -I./lib/Rmath -I./lib/pcre2 -DSTDC_LIMIT_MACROS -o wdp_ahmm.o -c wdp_ahmm.cpp g++ -pipe -std=c++0x -O3 -I./lib -I. -I./lib/htslib -I./lib/Rmath -I./lib/pcre2 -DSTDC_LIMIT_MACROS -o main.o -c main.cpp g++ -pipe -std=c++0x -O3 -I./lib -I. -I./lib/htslib -I./lib/Rmath -I./lib/pcre2 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -o vt ahmm.o align.o allele.o annotate_1000g.o annotate_dbsnp_rsid.o annotate_indels.o annotate_indels2.o annotate_regions.o annotate_variants.o annotate_vntrs.o augmented_bam_record.o bcf_genotyping_buffered_reader.o bcf_single_genotyping_buffered_reader.o bam_ordered_reader.o bcf_ordered_reader.o bcf_ordered_writer.o bcf_synced_reader.o bed.o candidate_motif_picker.o candidate_region_extractor.o cat.o chmm.o complex_genotyping_record.o compute_concordance.o compute_features.o compute_features2.o compute_rl_dist.o config.o consolidate_multiallelics.o consolidate_vntrs.o consolidate.o construct_probes.o decompose.o decompose2.o decompose_blocksub.o discover.o duplicate.o estimate.o estimator.o extract_vntrs.o filter.o filter_overlap.o flank_detector.o fuzzy_aligner.o fuzzy_partition.o gencode.o genome_interval.o genotype.o genotyping_record.o ghmm.o hts_utils.o hfilter.o indel_annotator.o indel_genotyping_record.o index.o info2tab.o interval_tree.o interval.o lfhmm.o lhmm.o lhmm1.o liftover.o log_tool.o merge.o merge_candidate_variants.o merge_genotypes.o milk_filter.o motif_tree.o motif_map.o multi_partition.o multiallelics_consolidator.o needle.o normalize.o nuclear_pedigree.o ordered_bcf_overlap_matcher.o ordered_region_overlap_matcher.o partition.o paste.o paste_and_compute_features_sequential.o paste_genotypes.o pedigree.o peek.o pileup.o pregex.o profile_afs.o profile_chm1.o profile_chrom.o profile_fic_hwe.o profile_hwe.o profile_indels.o profile_len.o profile_mendelian.o profile_na12878.o profile_snps.o profile_vntrs.o program.o read_filter.o reference_sequence.o rfhmm.o rfhmm_x.o rminfo.o seq.o set_ref.o snp_genotyping_record.o sort.o subset.o sv_tree.o svm_train.o svm_predict.o tbx_ordered_reader.o test.o trio.o union_variants.o uniq.o utils.o validate.o variant.o variant_manip.o variant_filter.o view.o vntr.o vntr_annotator.o vntr_consolidator.o vntr_extractor.o vntr_genotyping_record.o vntr_tree.o vntrize.o wdp_ahmm.o main.o lib/htslib/libhts.a lib/Rmath/libRmath.a lib/pcre2/libpcre2.a lib/libdeflate/libdeflate.a -lz -lpthread -lbz2 -llzma -lcurl -lcrypto /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurl collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [vt] Error 1

So it looks like vt cannot find libcurl for its compilation but this library should have already been installed in the system:

$ ls /usr/lib64 |egrep curl

Thanks in advance! Jia-Xing

yjx1217 commented 6 years ago

UPDATES: installing libcurl-devel solved the problem!