atlas-bi / LDAP-ETL

⚙️ Atlas ETL | LDAP User Profiles
GNU General Public License v3.0
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database etl ldap sql


Atlas BI Library ETL | LDAP Supplimentary ETL


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Loads data from an LDAP server into a database that is accessible by the primary Atlas metadata ETL.

## 🏃 Getting Started ### Create Database Use the [`LDAPDatabaseCreationScript.sql`]( to create a database with the required tables. ### Dependencies This ETL uses python. Python can be installed from []( [C++ build tools]( are needed on Windows OS. [ODBC Driver for SQL Server]( is required for connecting to the database. ### Install Packages This ETL uses `poetry` as the package manager. Alternatively, you can use `pip` to install the dependencies listed in `pyproject.toml`/dependencies. ```bash poetry install ``` ### Create `.env` file Create a `.env` file with the following settings, modified to fit your needs. (or, pass the variables as environment variables) ```env LDAP_HOST=localhost LDAP_USERNAME=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org LDAP_PASSWORD=adminpassword LDAP_BASE=dc=example,dc=org LDAP_USE_SSL=False LDAP_USE_TLS=False AD_DOMAIN=EXAMPLEHEALTH LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH=(objectClass=group) # optionally limit results to dn's that contain an ou. # this is not possible in AD search filters, so we do it # in the python. This should be a comma list of OU names. # for example LDAP_GROUP_OU=Email Distribution Groups,Another OU # this will also pull in sub OUs. LDAP_GROUP_OU=Email Distribution Groups,Room & Shared Mailboxes,Access & Permissions # fields can be a single attribute, or a comma list of attributes to try to find. Default values are coded in so these are optional overrides. LDAP_GROUP_USERNAME=sAMAccountName LDAP_GROUP_DISPLAYNAME=displayName LDAP_GROUP_EMAIL=mail,email LDAP_USER_SEARCH=(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=*)) LDAP_USER_EMPLOYEEID=employeeID LDAP_USER_ACCOUNTNAME=sAMAccountName LDAP_USER_DISPLAYNAME=displayName LDAP_USER_FULLNAME=cn,name LDAP_USER_FIRSTNAME=givenName LDAP_USER_LASTNAME=sn LDAP_USER_DEPARTMENT=department LDAP_USER_TITLE=title,description LDAP_USER_PHONE=ipPhone,telephoneNumber LDAP_USER_EMAIL=mail,proxyAddresses,userPrincipalName LDAP_USER_PHOTO=thumbnailPhoto,profilePhoto DATABASE=DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=atlas;DATABASE=LDAP;UID=datagov;PWD=123 ``` ### Running `poetry run python` ## Other Tools [Active Directory Explorer]( is a useful tool to browse your LDAP setup to find the correct bases and dc. ## Testing 1. Start up a ldap server `docker run -p 389:1389 bitnami/openldap:latest` 2. Set testing env variables ```env LDAP_HOST=ldap://localhost:389 LDAP_USERNAME=cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org LDAP_PASSWORD=adminpassword DATABASE=>> your test db connection AD_DOMAIN='' LDAP_BASE=dc=example,dc=org LDAP_USER_SEARCH=(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH=(objectClass=groupOfNames) LDAP_USE_SSL=false LDAP_USE_TLS=false ``` 3. Run tests `poetry run tox -e test`