atlassian-labs / storybook-addon-performance

🚧 A storybook addon to help better understand and debug performance for React components.
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storybook-addon-performance 🚀

A [storybook]( addon to help better understand and debug performance for `React` components storybook-addon-performance demo [📺 Project overview]( by [Jack Herrington](

Highlights 🌟

Marking tasks


  1. Install storybook-addon-performance
# pnpm
pnpm add storybook-addon-performance --dev

# yarn
yarn add storybook-addon-performance --dev

# npm
npm install storybook-addon-performance --save-dev
  1. Register the addon in .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
  addons: ['storybook-addon-performance'],
  1. Add the decorator

You can either add the decorator globally to every story in .storybook/preview.js (recommended)

import { withPerformance } from 'storybook-addon-performance';

export const decorators = [withPerformance];

Or you can add it to individual stories:

Using Component Story Format (CSF)

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
import { withPerformance } from 'storybook-addon-performance';

export default {
  title: 'MyComponent',
  component: MyComponent,
  decorators: [withPerformance],

Using StoriesOf API

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';
import { withPerformance } from 'storybook-addon-performance';

storiesOf('MyComponent', module)
  .add('MyComponent', () => <MyComponent />);

Usage: Interactions

Interaction tasks are a task type that can be defined and run on a story-by-story basis. They are useful for timing the interactive performance of your components.

To define your interaction tasks, first create an array of objects, each containing the name and description (optional) of the task, and a run function that performs whatever tasks you'd like to measure:

import { InteractionTaskArgs, PublicInteractionTask } from 'storybook-addon-performance';
import { findByText, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/dom';

// ...

const interactionTasks: PublicInteractionTask[] = [
    name: 'Display dropdown',
    description: 'Open the dropdown and wait for Option 5 to load',
    run: async ({ container }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise<void> => {
      const element: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector('.addon__dropdown-indicator');
      await findByText(container, 'Option 5', undefined, { timeout: 20000 });

The run function in each task object takes two arguments:

Note that you can use whatever libraries you'd like to perform these interaction tests – the example above uses @testing-library/dom to open the select in the example and wait for a specific item.

You can then include the array of interaction tasks inside the performance parameters of your story, with the key interactions:

// Using the Component Story Format (CSF)
import { findByText, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/dom';
import { PublicInteractionTask } from 'storybook-addon-performance';
import React from 'react';
import Select from 'react-select';
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant';

export default {
  title: 'React select example',

const interactionTasks: PublicInteractionTask[] = [
    name: 'Display dropdown',
    description: 'Open the dropdown and wait for Option 5 to load',
    run: async ({ container }: InteractionTaskArgs): Promise<void> => {
      const element: HTMLElement | null = container.querySelector('.addon__dropdown-indicator');
      await findByText(container, 'Option 5', undefined, { timeout: 20000 });

select.storyName = 'React Select';
select.parameters = {
  performance: {
    interactions: interactionTasks,

Supplied types

As seen above, the plugin exports two type definitions to assist with creating your own interaction tasks:

Usage: Saving and loading results

You can save the result of a performance task as a local artifact by using the Save API. The Save API creates a story-specific artifact which can be then be loaded at a later time to be used as a benchmark. This can be useful for CI or testing a change in branch vs the trunk. You can use this API via the Save result / Load result buttons in the UI.

Some caveats with this API:

For more consistent results we suggest recording artifacts using 10 copies / 10 samples.

Usage: Filtering task groups

Some components are not designed to work in server side rendering, or on the client. To support this we have created a allowlist that you can optionally pass in to only allow the groups to run that you want to. To configure this option, set the allowedGroups option as part of a story's parameters.

// Using [Component Story Format (CSF)](
export const onlyClient = () => <p>A story only measuring client-side performance 👩‍💻</p>;

onlyClient.parameters = {
  performance: {
    allowedGroups: ['client'],

export const onlyServer = () => <p>A story only measuring server-side performance ‍☁️</p>;

onlyServer.parameters = {
  performance: {
    allowedGroups: ['server'],

A Note on Performance Metrics 💡

In order to get the most accurate performance metrics possible, you should use a production build of Storybook. For more background, see the React optimizing performance documentation.

While this add-on does work with a dev build, you'll see more variability in results.

Local addon development

In the storybook-addon-performance folder (packages/storybook-addon-performance)

# Start the typescript watcher and a local storybook:
pnpm dev

# Start just the typescript watcher
# This is needed as storybook does not compile addons
pnpm typescript:watch

# Start the local storybook
pnpm storybook:dev


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