atlaste / CPPCoverage

Visual Studio Extension for measuring C++ Code Coverage and profiling data
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Free C++ Code Coverage

CPPCoverage is a Visual Studio extension that calculates code coverage and profile data for C++ applications and Visual Studio C++ native tests. Basically it provides you with an easy-to-use, light-weight C++ code coverage and profiler, right from Visual Studio and with the features you expect from tools like these.


Prerequisites: VS2013 or VS2015. Any edition should work, even though this is only tested on VS2015 Community.

Getting started

Working with CPPCoverage is a breeze. Basically install and use, there's nothing more to it:


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Experimental Features

For an overview of these runtime notifications.

Support and maintenance

CPPCoverage is 100% open source and 100% for free.

At NubiloSoft, we use this CPPCoverage addin on a daily basis in a real environment on a huge C++ code base. We want this to be good. And since this is not our core business, we are willing to make it available for free. Simple as that.

Over the period that we've used this extension, it has proven to be both reliable and stable, resulting in only a very few issues and very little work for us to maintain it. However, if you do find a bug or think the tool lacks a feature, please let us know by posting it in 'issues'.

Profile data

Our profile data is gathered in a very simple way: every 5 milliseconds we simply force a context switch, after which we gather the stack trace. For the entire stack trace, we then update the number of times that line has been hit (both for the top-most frame and for all frames). We only consider code that is available; performance is not measured for third-party libraries, even if the PDB is available.

This process will give us two numbers, that are shown in Visual Studio:

  1. The percentage of time the method spends on this line of code. Note that if this is a function call, the time spent could be very high.
  2. The percentage of time the application spends on this specific line of code. This is excluding function calls, so most lines will have very low numbers.

For those familiar with the tools, this is pretty similar to what tools like Sleepy and Very Sleepy do.

As an example, if you spot "50%/20%" after a line of code, this basically means that 50% of the time is spent on this line of code (or in one of the child function calls) and 20% of the time is spent on this line of code (in total).

If profile information is insignificant (e.g. 0%), we simply won't show it. You might ask yourself: why 5 milliseconds? Well, simply put, context switches have a serious impact on performance, and this appears to be the sweatspot where the tool doesn't have significant impact on the performance of your test.

If the tool doesn't work...

There are a few likely suspects to check:

[install folder]\Resources\Coverage[-x86 / -x64].exe -o "[solution folder]\CodeCoverageTest.cov" -p "[root path of your code; omit the trailing '\']" -- "[executable to run...]" [... optional arguments...]

Advanced users

Most people want to integrate code coverage in their test environment. Coverage-x86.exe and Coverage-x64.exe will provide just that. We support emitting Cobertura XML files, which can be processed by a lot of tools.

If you want even more control, grab the code from the Coverage project, change the executable that's executed and you're done.

Measuring code coverage

In a nutshell, our test tool measures everything by creating a debugger process and putting breakpoints on every line of code. After a breakpoint has been hit, the breakpoint (assembler) instruction is removed from the program again. This breakpoint process has only a tiny bit of overhead, because it basically relies on a single context switch per breakpoint. Also, this means that the amount of memory that you need is roughly bound by the number of lines in your application.

In the early versions of this tool, we've used OpenCPPCoverage as an external dependency. And even though OpenCPPCoverage is pretty decent, we feel it just cannot deliver everything that we need. Therefore we've been working on a better alternative, which is available now:

The projects Coverage-x86 and Coverage-x64 are the result of this, which provide this new coverage tool. For the most part it already works great; for most applications you don't even notice that coverage is being measured.

Templates, templates...

If you have templated code, code coverage will be measured for any of the templates. This was not an easy decision, after all: if you have a different template parameter, you actually end up with different code. Still, if the specialization for type A and type B will run the same code, we find it unlikely that the quality of your tests is affected (just because you test A and not B). In most (but not all!) cases, we believe it's the coverage of the members of A and B that you call that tell the story.

In fact, our Coverage engine measures this and emits 'p' for 'partial coverage' in the results.

So... in short: if a template specialization is hit, we'll mark the line as green, regardless if all possible template arguments are tested or not.


Your friendly BSD license. Please give credits where credits are deserved.