atomatiq / OptionsBar

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OptionsBar: Enhancing the User Experience in Revit

Revit is a powerful tool for building design and modeling, and undoubtedly, high efficiency in working with this software is a key aspect for successful projects. One of the tools that contributes to this efficiency is the OptionsBar, but not many people are aware of its capabilities and how to configure it.

Introduction to OptionsBar

OptionsBar is a convenient toolbar within Revit with tremendous potential. It offers capabilities that span from adding your own tools on the toolbar to displaying information about the operation of your own add-ins. However, the Revit API documentation doesn't offer sufficient information on fully harnessing the potential of OptionsBar.

Getting Started

Before we begin customizing the OptionsBar, we'll need to add the necessary dependencies and create a controller to manage this panel.

Technologies Used:

Configuring OptionsBar. Step by Step

Let's delve into the process of configuring OptionsBar and how to do it most efficiently.

Step 1: Adding Dependencies

Understanding that the user interface in Revit is implemented using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) technology helps us access all the interface elements. For this, we'll need the AdWindows.dll library, which comes with Revit.

To compile the project on any device, let's add a NuGet package to the .csproj project file as follows:

    <PackageReference Include="Nice3point.Revit.Api.AdWindows" Version="$(RevitVersion).*"/>

Step 2: Creating a Controller

To control OptionsBar, we'll need a controller that handles its display and hiding. To access the Revit ribbon and OptionsBar, we'll use the static property ComponentManager.Ribbon from the AdWindows.dll library that we included in the previous step.

The process of configuring OptionsBar can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Finding the built-in panel.
  2. Creating a custom panel.
  3. Hiding/showing the built-in and custom panels.

It's important to note that we don't remove or replace the built-in OptionsBar panel to avoid disrupting Revit's functionality. Instead, we simply hide it and display our custom panel when necessary.

Let's take a look at a code example that allows displaying and hiding the custom panel:

public static class RibbonController
    private static readonly Grid RootGrid;
    private static ContentPresenter _panelPresenter;
    private static readonly FrameworkElement InternalToolPanel;

    static RibbonController()
        RootGrid = VisualUtils.FindVisualParent<Grid>(ComponentManager.Ribbon, "rootGrid");
        if (RootGrid is null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find root grid in Revit UI");

        InternalToolPanel = VisualUtils.FindVisualChild<DialogBarControl>(RootGrid, string.Empty);
        if (InternalToolPanel is null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find internal tool panel in Revit UI");

    public static void ShowOptionsBar(FrameworkElement content)
        if (_panelPresenter is not null)
            _panelPresenter.Content = content;
            _panelPresenter.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            InternalToolPanel.Height = 0;

        _panelPresenter = CreateOptionsBar();
        _panelPresenter.Content = content;

        InternalToolPanel.Height = 0;

    public static void HideOptionsBar()
        if (_panelPresenter is null) return;

        _panelPresenter.Content = null;
        _panelPresenter.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

        InternalToolPanel.Height = 26;

    private static ContentPresenter CreateOptionsBar()
        const int panelRow = 2;

        RootGrid.RowDefinitions.Insert(2, new RowDefinition
            Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto)

        foreach (UIElement child in RootGrid.Children)
            var row = Grid.GetRow(child);
            if (row > 1) Grid.SetRow(child, row + 1);

        var panelPresenter = new ContentPresenter();
        Grid.SetRow(panelPresenter, panelRow);

        return panelPresenter;

In the example, only public properties of the Revit API and system methods of WPF are used. Interaction with the ribbon is implemented with the ShowOptionsBar() and HideOptionsBar() methods. The ShowOptionsBar() method takes any FrameworkElement, which will be displayed to the user.

Step 3: Creating a User Interface

To create a user interface for OptionsBar, we'll use the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern and the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) framework.

For example, let's consider a simple panel layout with a text field and a dropdown list:

        d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=viewModels:OptionsViewModel}"
            Margin="10 0 0 0"
            Text="Wall options"
            VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            BorderThickness="1 0"
            Margin="10 0" />
            Text="Offset: "
            VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            Margin="10 1 0 1"
            Text="{Binding Offset, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
            Text="Constraint: "
            Margin="10 0 0 0"
            VerticalAlignment="Center" />
            Margin="10 1 0 1"
            ItemsSource="{Binding Constraints}" />

Sample code for the ViewModel:

public partial class OptionsViewModel : ObservableObject
    [ObservableProperty] private double _offset;
    [ObservableProperty] private string[] _constraints;

The layout is no different from regular WPF applications, but the root element will be a container like StackPanel, Grid, and so on, since OptionBar is embedded in the Revit UI.

Use Cases

OptionsBar provides endless possibilities for streamlining the workflow in Revit. Let's explore some of the most popular use cases:

Use Case 1: Utilities

OptionsBar can be used to add custom tools that can be conveniently placed on the toolbar. This is especially useful when creating a separate window is unnecessary.


Use Case 2: Element Selection Options

This scenario covers situations where a user is working with a model in Revit and needs to select a specific element for further editing. For more convenient and intuitive parameter customization, you can use OptionsBar instead of creating additional windows.

Example: Suppose you have a plugin that allows users to adjust the top offset of a wall. Let's see how to arrange all the tools on the OptionsBar panel.


Use Case 3: Marquee

Want something unusual? A marquee can add excitement to your mundane modeling routine.


OptionsBar is a powerful tool in Revit that allows you to optimize your workflow and make it more efficient. Don't limit yourself to the described use cases — experiment, create your unique solutions, and make working in Revit even more productive.

Project source code: GitHub

Installers with examples for Revit are also available: Releases