TF2 Hidden is a Hidden:Source-like SourceMod plugin for Team Fortress 2.
Plugin optionally requires SteamTools extension to change server game description. Requires smlib stock includes when building the plugin from source.
Original code by Matheus28. Adapted and improved by atomic-penguin (steam) and daniel-murray (steam) based on suggestions in this post, and feedback from testing sessions with members of atomic's steam group.
Simply drop the smx, in your Sourcemod plugins folder, and restart your server to load the plugin. Once the plugin is loaded, switch to an arena map.
WARNING: Plugins which manage AFK players, scramble, and autobalance plugins may interfere with player queueing and spawning in this gamemode. These type of plugins have not been thoroughly tested with this plugin and it woulde be safest to disable these.
Each round one player is the Hidden. Their goal is to kill all of players on the other team. The Hidden plays as the spy with some supplementary abilities and attributes:
The Hidden has only a couple minutes of time to kill everyone on team Iris. The Hidden's arsenal includes two special mechanisms, to make him especially dangerous to players on team Iris.
allows the Hidden to perform a super jump/pounce and stick briefly to walls.reload
allows the Hidden to stun nearby enemies.When playing on the Iris team, you play just as you would any other TF2 mode. A few things have been changed in this plugin to make it balanced and fair for anyone to play the Hidden.
So it looks pretty hopeless for team Iris right? Well not quite, with a hefty dose of teamwork you can bring The Hidden down... maybe.
See a full life of Iris team gameplay here.
How is the next Hidden determined?
command, instead of random selection.What maps can we play this gamemode on?
Where can I find more arena maps
Why can I not use sentries?
sm_nexthidden <client-name>
Either use the GitHub Issue Tracking system found here, or post a comment on the [plugin thread]().