atomixdesign / nodepay

A payment gateway abstraction layer written in Typescript, taking inspiration from Omnipay & Active Merchant
MIT License
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A payment gateway abstraction layer written in Typescript, taking inspiration from Omnipay & Active Merchant

Getting Started

The API follows the Strategy Pattern, where each gateway connector provides its own way to fulfill an API (addCustomer, updateCustomer, charge, etc).

import { Context } from '@atomixdesign/nodepay'
import { Strategy, Config, Customer, CreditCard } from '@atomixdesign/nodepay-ezidebit'

const config = new Config({
  // Add your own values obtained from the gateway here ->
  clientId: ...,
    digitalKey: ...,
    publicKey: ...,
    apiRoot: ...,
    nonPCIApiRoot: ...,
const ezidebitStrategy = new Strategy(config)
const gateway = new Context(ezidebitStrategy)

const creditCard = new CreditCard({
    /* CAUTION: When using card details this way,
    /* you need to make sure that your program meets PCI requirements.
    /* Find out more: */
    cardNumber: ...,
    expiryDateMonth: ...,
    public expiryDateYear: ...,
    public CCV: ...,
    public cardHolderName: ...,

const customer = new Customer({
    customerId: ...,        // Generate for use with your own system
    contractStartDate: ..., // yyyy-MM-dd, see Ezidebit:
    lastName: ...,

// Add customer
gateway.addCustomer(customer, creditCard /*, bankAccount */)

const onceOffCharge = new Charge({
  orderNumber: ...,
    amountInCents: ...,
    customerName: ...,

// Once-off charge. This doesn't need customer info.
gateway.charge(onceOffCharge, creditCard)




This is the base monorepo for @atomixdesign/nodepay projects. The following npm scripts are available. Whenever possible, the scripts are designed to run standalone from inside a package, or from the project root with the same or similar configuration. For example, yarn build && yarn test

yarn build

Builds each dependency, with precedence to nodepay-core

yarn test

Runs full tests (unit and api integration) asynchronously against each api. Env vars must be configured.

yarn reset

Removes all build artifacts and all dependencies. Effectively resets the monorepo to clean slate.

yarn clean

Clean compiled outputs + artifacts.

yarn cli

In-built cli, with starter template for gateway connector (needs update).

Usage: yarn cli <command> [options]

  nodepay-cli adapter:create  Create an adapter for a payment gateway
                                                                   [aliases: c]

  --version  Show version number                                      [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                [boolean]

yarn docs

Generate and aggregate documentation for all packages.

yarn lint

Run lint for each package.

yarn publish:dev

Publish packages locally. For use with sinopia, verdaccio or a local repo.