The ReST Spreadsheet application is designed to allow access to the data within a spreadsheet via a ReST api, using a light weight simple implementation of node.js.
This application gets basic web server functionality from a big thanks for sharing.
This shows the front middle back architecture pattern. The front is represented by the html pages, the middle is represented by the rest_spreadsheet.js file (this is the node.js file) the back is represented by the spreadsheet.
The Middle tier code was developed using server side javascript following the MVC pattern. Additional to the HTML front end a front end was developed using a google doc spreadsheet to show how visualisations can be achieved using the data.
Hopefully what this demonstrates is that multiple consumers can be developed based on the same ReST Api. These can be across many devices, operating systems and applications (e.g. An iOS/Android application, a spreadsheet or a HTML5 webpage). Although the specific data used here might have a limited appeal, the power of presenting corporate data ReST(fully) gives the user the ultimate choice about how they wish to consume that data.