atpohjal / or-tools

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This file describes how to install the or-tools libraries. These libraries have been tested under:

Upon checking out the svn repository, you will get the following structure:

or-tools/ LICENSE-2.0.txt <- Apache License Makefile <- Main makefile. README <- This file bin/ <- Directory where all binaries will be compiled. com/ <- Directory that contains all java code. dependencies/ <- Directory that will contain built dependencies. examples/ <- Root directory of all examples. examples/com/ <- Directory that contains all java examples. examples/cpp/ <- C++ examples. examples/csharp/ <- Directory that contains all C# examples. examples/python/ <- Python examples examples/tests/ <- C# unit tests and bug reports. lib/ <- Directory where all libraries and jar files will go. makefiles/ <- Directory that contains sub-makefiles. objs/ <- Where C++ objs files will be stored src/ <- Root directory of all libraries sources. src/algorithms/ <- Directory containing basic algorithms. src/base/ <- Directory containing basic utilities. src/constraint_solver/ <- The main directory for the constraint library. src/gen/ <- Directory that will contain generated files. src/graph/ <- Graph algorithms. src/linear_solver/ <- Linear solver wrapper. src/util/ <- More utilities needed by the constraint solver tools/ <- Contains windows binaries.

For installation, please refer to the following web page: