This repo contains libraries, tools, samples and examples for developers who wish to work with the atPlatform from Java code.
The Java SDK can be added to your project through a compiled JAR or by Maven!
Clone the at_java repo from GItHub using
git clone
Change directory into at_java/at_client
cd at_client
Compile the package using maven with the following command
mvn install
Now that the programs have been compiled, execute the following command to use at_java
java -cp "target/at_client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:target/lib/*" org.atsign.client.cli.<class> [required arguments]
1) REPL 2) Share 3) Get 4) Delete 5) Register 6) Onboard
Text about the remaining functionalities coming soon
A class that accepts command line arguments which are used to fetch a free atsign and register it to the email provided. Further, this atsign can be activated using a verification code sent to the registered email.
java -cp "target/at_client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:target/lib/*" org.atsign.client.cli.Register -e
Register can also be used with a SUPER_API Key that has privileges to preset and atsign with an activation code.
java -cp "target/at_client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:target/lib/*" org.atsign.client.cli.Register -k <SUPER_API Key>
When using the SUPER_API Key to register an atsign, the following sequence of calls take place: 1) User provides at_java/Register with the SUPER_API Key passed as an argument 2) at_java calls the AtSign Registrar API Endpoint(get-atsign) with the SUPER_API Key provided 3) The AtSign registrar API responds with an AtSign-ActivationKey pair 4) at_java now call the AtSign Registrar API Endpoint(activate-atsign) with the AtSign-ActivationKey pair 5) The API responds with a json containing the CRAM_KEY for the concerned atsign 6) This CRAM_KEY can be used to activate the atsign further making it usable 7) at_java does the activation automatically for you and stores your atKeys* file at path '~/.atsign/keys' 8) Now the atsign is activated and the atKeys file can be used to authenticate and perform protected operation with/on the atSign.
1) Register: This is a class in at_java that has the functionality to call the necessary API, handle responses in order to fetch and register atsigns 2) AtSign Registrar API: An AtSign service that is responsible for handling atsign's server creation, registration, authentication, reset and deletion 3) SUPER_API Key:
All of our software is open with intent. We welcome contributions - we want pull requests, and we want to hear about issues. See also