managed-midi aims to provide C#/.NET API For almost-raw access to MIDI devices in cross-platform manner with the greatest common measure so that it can be "commons" either on Mono or .NET, everywhere, as well as standard MIDI file manipulation and player functionality.
In particular, this library is used and tested by these projects:
(Right now it is totally @atsushieno's own project and those use cases are all by myself. I hope to be able to split out "showcase" section if there are any other uses!)
managed-midi is truly cross-platform oriented. The true cross platform means it supports Linux, Mac, Windows classic and UWP, iOS and Android. There is no one else which actually tries to achieve that.
(iOS is untested. They are just that the API implementations exist. But it should be almost identical to Xamarin.Mac.)
Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core are the supported frameworks.
Check our github issues for present issues. We appreciate your bug reports there too.
On API stability: The entire API is still subject to change. Historically there has been a lot of breaking changes in very significant manner.
We will start following semantic versioning 2.0.0 scheme at some point. For now minor version changes may result in incompatible API changes.
API metadata (assemblies, namespaces, types etc.) can be browsed at (thanks to
Here is the list of the base library features:
, MidiMessage
, MidiTrack
and MidiMusic
to store sequence of events, tracks, up to a song.
, MidiRpnType
, MidiMetaType
and MidiEvent
fields (of type System.Byte) so that you don't have to remember the actual numbers.SmfReader
and SmfWriter
: read and write SMF (standard MIDI format) files with MIDI messages.
and SmfTrackSplitter
that helps you implementing sequential event processing for your own MIDI players, or per-track editors.IMidiAccess
: raw MIDI Access abstraction, to create IMidiInput
and IMidiOutput
channels that are used to receive or send MIDI messages to and from the actual MIDI devices.
. If you don't pass a Midi Access instance or a Midi Output instance, it will do nothing.IMidiTimeManager
: Time manager is abstract. You can define your actual behavior for "advance by X seconds". By default it (of course) waits for the specified time, using Task.Delay()
. It's like IScheduler in Rx.MidiMachine
: it represents a virtual output device that updates its status such as Program numbers, RPNs, NRPNs, PAfs, CAfs, and ptchbends, from all the inputs it has received. It would be useful to display current statuses for a MIDI device while playing some song.MidiModuleDatabase
: it stores sets of instrument program-bank-name mappings that helps you display the instruments that are being played. They will be useful when you are implementing visual MIDI players.
Basically, these features with raw MIDI access implementation makes up this managed-midi library.
Here is a quick list of per-platform backend implementation. Bold ones are default.
target framework | Linux | Mac | Windows | Android | iOS |
netstandard | Empty | Empty | Empty | Empty | Empty |
net45 | ALSA, portmidi, rtmidi | own CoreMIDI (incomplete), portmidi, rtmidi | WinMM, portmidi, rtmidi | - | - |
netcoreapp2.1 | ALSA, portmidi, rtmidi | own CoreMidi (incomplete), portmidi, rtmidi | WinMM, portmidi, rtmidi | - | - |
net6.0-ios | - | - | - | - | Microsoft.iOS CoreMIDI |
MonoAndroid | - | - | - | Android MIDI API | - |
XamariniOS | - | - | - | - | Xamarin.iOS CoreMIDI |
XamarinMac | - | Xamarin.Mac CoreMIDI | - | - | - |
uap10.0 | - | - | UWP MIDI API | - | - |
own CoreMIDI
is a Xamarin-compatible implementation within this repository. It is implemented here to avoid extra dependencies on Xamarin assemblies. They are different from Xamarin.iOS CoreMIDI
and Xamarin.Mac CoreMIDI
This is the primary Linux MIDI support and the actual ALSA implementation is done by alsa-sharp project.
This is the most reliable implemetation for Windows desktop.
We needed this to create Xwt-based projects which depend on WPF.
Almost untested. We need some app beyond proof of concept SMF player.
Almost untested. We need some MIDI devices that work fine on our Mac environment. We never tried with iOS device yet.
RtMidi is a cross-platform C and C++ library for raw MIDI access:
managed-midi supports rtmidi through a component called RtMidiSharp (and wrapper around our own common API called RtMidiAccess).
So far, managed-midi for Windows is only known to work on 32bit environment. It may or may not work. Any contribution to verify and possibly fix any issue on 64bit Windows is welcome.
Note that you need a working native build of rtmidi.dll, librtmidi.dylib or (depending on the platform). We don't offer prebuilt binaries for that now.
(This driver used to be provided by a fork of rtmidi called rtmidi-c ( but it is now merged to the upstream.)
PortMidi is another cross-platform C library for raw MIDI access:
There are some binaries included, but we're not sure if it still works (it was built many years ago with old platforms). You are encouraged to build and provide your own version.
It was actually the first MIDI API that managed-midi supported and almost untouched since then (except that we offer the common API called PortMidiAccess).
With IMidiAccess interface anyone can write own MIDI access implementation.
For example, nfluidsynth is a .NET binding to (lib)fluidsynth
and has an implementation that makes use of it.
Also, see tools directory for live use cases.
When trying them below, C# shell is useful: csharp -r Commons.Music.Midi.dll
Make sure that you have active and audible (i.e. non-thru) MIDI output device.
using Commons.Music.Midi;
var access = MidiAccessManager.Default;
var output = access.OpenOutputAsync(access.Outputs.Last().Id).Result;
output.Send(new byte [] {0xC0, GeneralMidi.Instruments.AcousticGrandPiano}, 0, 2, 0); // There are constant fields for each GM instrument
output.Send(new byte [] {MidiEvent.NoteOn, 0x40, 0x70}, 0, 3, 0); // There are constant fields for each MIDI event
output.Send(new byte [] {MidiEvent.NoteOff, 0x40, 0x70}, 0, 3, 0);
output.Send(new byte [] {MidiEvent.Program, 0x30}, 0, 2, 0); // Strings Ensemble
output.Send(new byte [] {0x90, 0x40, 0x70}, 0, 3, 0);
output.Send(new byte [] {0x80, 0x40, 0x70}, 0, 3, 0);
using Commons.Music.Midi;
var access = MidiAccessManager.Default;
var output = access.OpenOutputAsync(access.Outputs.Last().Id).Result;
var music = MidiMusic.Read(System.IO.File.OpenRead("mysong.mid"));
var player = new MidiPlayer(music, output);
player.EventReceived += (MidiEvent e) => {
if (e.EventType == MidiEvent.Program)
Console.WriteLine ($"Program changed: Channel:{e.Channel} Instrument:{e.Msb}");
Console.WriteLine("Type [CR] to stop.");
It is kind of a "bait-and-switch" nuget package. However there is no reference assembly; the netstandrd2.0 library is part of the package, which contains no raw MIDI API access implementation. It can still be used to implement platform-specific API on top of it.
There are many projects (in terms of .csproj
) in managed-midi.sln
Apart from managed-midi.sln, there is another consolidated project:
(Note that all those implementation assemblies share the identical name Commons.Music.Midi.dll
regardless of the project names, by nature of bait-and-switch NuGet package.)
While there is a netstandard2.0 version, there is a shared library version of the most of the common API and data set. netstandard2.0 version is a project that wraps around it. Other assembllies such as .NET Core (netcoreapp2.0), .NET Desktop (net4x), CoreMidi, Android and UWP versions use this shared project.
This project structure is done so that we can easily hack any part on any platform (especially on Linux).
NuGet packaging is manually done at . I cannot locally do that due to Xamarin.Mac and UWP, which Microsoft never supported on Linux (that might change once Microsoft releases UWP sources).
There are couple of design note docs placed under docs directory.