attilagyorffy / jshint_on_rails

JSHint JavaScript checker wrapped in a Ruby gem for easier use in Rails apps
MIT License
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JSHint on Rails

JSHint on Rails is a Ruby library which lets you run the JSHint JavaScript code checker on your Javascript code easily. It was originally forked from the JSLint on Rails package. It can be installed either as a gem (the recommended method), or as a Rails plugin (legacy method).

Note: to run JSHint on Rails, you need to have Java available on your machine - it's required because JSHint is itself written in JavaScript, and is run using the Rhino JavaScript engine (written in Java). Any decent version of Java will do (and by decent I mean 5.0 or later).


Latest version should be compatible with Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3 (and also with Ruby 1.8 and Rails 2, of course). It has been tested on the following Ruby versions:

Installation (as gem)

The recommended installation method (for Rails and for other frameworks) is to install JSHint on Rails as a gem. The advantage is that it's easier to update the library to newer versions later, and you keep its code separate from your own code.

To use JSHint as a gem in Rails 3, you just need to do one thing:

And that's it. On first run, JSHint on Rails will create an example config file for you in config/jshint.yml, which you can then tweak to suit your app.

In Rails 2 and in other frameworks JSHint on Rails can't be loaded automatically using a Railtie, so you have to do a bit more work. The procedure in this case is:

Installation (as Rails plugin)

Installing libraries as Rails plugins was popular before Rails 3, but now gems with Railties can do everything that plugins could do, so plugins are getting less and less popular. But if you want to install JSHint on Rails as a plugin anyway, here's how you do it:

./script/plugin install git://

This will also create a sample jshint.yml config file for you in your config directory.

Installation (custom)

If you wish to write your own rake task to run JSHint, you can create and execute the JSHint object manually:

require 'jshint'

lint =
  :paths => ['public/javascripts/**/*.js'],
  :exclude_paths => ['public/javascripts/vendor/**/*.js'],
  :config_path => 'config/jshint.yml'


Whatever method you use for installation, a YAML config file should be created for you. In this file, you can:


To start the check, run the rake task:

[bundle exec] rake jshint

You will get a result like this (if everything goes well):

Running JSHint:

checking public/javascripts/Event.js... OK
checking public/javascripts/Map.js... OK
checking public/javascripts/Marker.js... OK
checking public/javascripts/Reports.js... OK

No JS errors found.

If anything is wrong, you will get something like this instead:

Running JSHint:

checking public/javascripts/Event.js... 2 errors:

Lint at line 24 character 15: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (a == null && b == null) {

Lint at line 72 character 6: Extra comma.

checking public/javascripts/Marker.js... 1 error:

Lint at line 275 character 27: Missing radix parameter.
var x = parseInt(mapX);

Found 3 errors.
rake aborted!
JSHint test failed.

If you want to test specific file or files (just once, without modifying the config), you can pass paths to include and/or paths to exclude to the rake task:

rake jshint paths=public/javascripts/models/*.js,public/javascripts/lib/*.js exclude_paths=public/javascripts/lib/jquery.js

For the best effect, you should include JSLint check in your Continuous Integration build - that way, you'll get immediate notification when you've committed JS code with errors.

Additional options

I've added some additional options to JSHint to get rid of some warnings which I thought didn't make sense. They're all disabled by default, but feel free to enable any or all of them if you feel abused by JSHint.

Here's a documentation for all the extra options:


If set to true, this will ignore warnings about missing semicolon after a statement, if the statement is the last one in a block or function, and the whole block is on the same line. I've added this because I like to omit the semicolon in one-liner anonymous functions, in situations like this:

var ids = $$('.entry').map(function(e) { return });

Note: in versions up to 1.0.3, this option also disabled the warning in blocks that span multiple lines, but I've changed that in 1.0.4, because removing a last semicolon in a multi-line block doesn't really affect the readability (while removing the only semicolon in a one-liner like above does, IMHO).


Allows you to use a call to 'new' as a whole statement, without assigning the result anywhere. Sometimes you want to create an instance of a class, but you don't need to assign it anywhere - the call to constructor starts the action automatically. This includes calls like new Ajax.Request(...) or new Effect.Highlight(...) used when working with Prototype and Scriptaculous.


JSHint has a warning that says "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression" - you get it when you write an expression and you don't use it for anything, like if you wrote such line:


Just checking the length without assigning it anywhere or passing to any function doesn't make any sense, so it's good that JSHint complains. However, there are some cases where the code makes perfect sense, but JSHint still thinks it doesn't. Examples:

element &&;  // call show only if element is not null
selected ? : element.hide();  // more readable than if & else with brackets

So I've tweaked the code that creates this warning so that it doesn't print it if the code makes sense. Specifically:
