attractivechaos / kann

A lightweight C library for artificial neural networks
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Questions about kann_apply1 #20

Open LeavesLei opened 5 years ago

LeavesLei commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am a fresh guy in C++. My code had a bug when I used the libaray. this is my input and label:

float xx[1][100][400]; float yy[1][100][3]; float x = (float )xx; float y = (float )yy;

and then train the net:

kann_train_fnn1(ann, lr, batch_size, epoch, max_drop_streak, frac_val, 1, x, y);

when I tried to test the net, it's something wrong:

auto y1 = kann_apply1(ann, x->x[0]); // It caused a error here.

BTW, I didn't save the model between executing kann_train_fnn1() and kann_apply1().

LeavesLei commented 5 years ago

this is my whole network code:

int main() { kad_node_t *t; t = kad_feed(3, batch_size, input_steps, n_inputs); t = kad_relu(kann_layer_conv1d(t, 512, 3, 1, 1)); t = kad_relu(kann_layer_conv1d(t, 512, 3, 1, 1)); t = kann_layer_conv1d(t, 3, 1, 1, 1); t = kad_sigm(t);

kann_t *ann;
int batch_size = 100     // number of training samples
float xx[batch_size][100][400];
float yy[batch_size][100][3];

ann = kann_new(kann_layer_cost(t, 3, KANN_C_CEM), 0);

float **x = (float **)xx;
float **y = (float **)yy;
kann_train_fnn1(ann, lr, batch_size, epoch, max_drop_streak, frac_val, n, x, y);

const float *y1;
y1 = kann_apply1(ann, x[0]);  // this word called a error!
cout << *y1 << endl;
return 0;
